Parent/Carer Helpers
Under the guidance of individual staff, parent helpers are discouraged due to the complex nature of our students. The Principal may refuse to use any volunteer should it be deemed appropriate to do so. All parent helpers must be approved by School Council. Parent helpers are not responsible for supervision or discipline. Both these tasks are the responsibility of the teacher. Parents/Carers offer valuable assistance with learning centres, group work, etc. Staff should give introductory sessions to parents/carers on such matters as: expectations as to quality of work, positive reinforcement, confidentiality and supportive strategies. School Council require volunteers who work directly with students to present a valid Working with Children Card and be approved as a parent helper. All Parent helpers must sign in and out at the Office as a visitor.
Parent Payments
Families are encouraged to make payments through Xuno or using BPay. Payments can also be made via Eftpos or cash. Teachers are not required to handle money and must not have any school stored money in their classrooms. Please request parents to make any payments at the front office.
Jackson School is committed to the implementation and practice of PBIS (Positive Behaviour Interventions and Supports). The Three Tiers of PBIS:
Tier 1 interventions target all students and are implemented school wide by all staff.
Tier 2 interventions target specialized groups of students, who need extra help in meeting our PBIS expectations, and are implemented by PBIS team members.
Tier 3 interventions target individuals who need a high level of support in meeting our expectations and are implemented by specially trained staff working in our behaviour management team.
Tier One PBIS Systems
Expectation System:
At Jackson School we have 5 positively stated behavioural expectations:
Each expectation is broken down into skills, which show students how to meet the behavioural expectation. Jackson’s five behavioural expectations are the same schoolwide, but skills differ depending on location. Expectations and corresponding skills for each area of the school, are posted on signs in those areas:
Learning area
Outdoor area
Expectations and skills for all areas are listed together in the Expectations Matrix. The Expectations Matrix has two functions:
- The Expectations Matrix clearly and positively states our behavioural expectations -The matrix lets students know how to behave at Jackson School, effectively it’s Jacksons’ school rules.
- The Expectations Matrix provides staff and students with common, consistent language for discussing behavioural incidents.
The language of the Expectations Matrix is used when reinforcing students for positive behaviours, and when redirecting or reteaching students. The language of the Expectations Matrix is fundamental to ensuring a consistent response to behaviours schoolwide. All staff and students should be familiar with the expectations and skills for all six areas within the school.
To help staff and students remember the skills for each expectation, area specific signs have been placed around the school. Mini expectations card sets are available on the portal, or from the PBIS team.
Reinforcement System
At Jackson School we reinforce students when they meet our behavioural expectations, by giving them a PBIS e-point ' Jack point' (PBIS rewards).
Handing out 'Jack points' is a vital part of our PBIS system, as they provide positive reinforcement for students who are meeting our behavioural expectations. Maintaining a ratio of 10:1 positive reinforcement to every correction, is best educational practise, and fundamental to establishing a positive learning environment. Giving these out reinforces Jackson Schools’ behavioural expectations, celebrates students’ behavioural success, and helps create a safe and productive learning environment, by encouraging appropriate behaviours.
To give a 'Jack point' effectively, Jackson staff need to follow three steps:
1: State the expectation, which the student has met, e.g., ‘Thanks for being safe…’
2: State the skill, which the student has performed, e.g., ‘…by keeping your hands feet and objects to yourself.’
3: Give the physical ticket or coin to the student for them to put it in their allocated collection space or allocate the e-point in PBIS Rewards and show them it has been registered.
When handing out rewards staff should:
Be quick, it is important to reward the student immediately upon their performing the positive behaviour. Studies show that the more time that elapses between the student performing the behaviour, and receiving reinforcement for it, the less likely the student is to associate the reward with the behaviour. A gap of 30 seconds between behaviour and reward, is enough to break the logical link between the two, and negatively affect the reinforcement.
Use PBIS language, staff must use the language of the Expectation’s Matrix, this keeps the reinforcement relevant and specific, and ensures that students understand what they are being reinforced for.
Jack Store ( PBIS Shop)
The ‘Jack points’ system is a fun and engaging incentive designed to encourage positive behaviour and goal-setting among students.
Here’s a summary of how it works:
Collection of Jack Points: Students accumulate 'Jack points' throughout the week based on their behaviour, achievements, or contributions in the classroom. This could be tied to things like participation, showing kindness, completing work, or meeting personal goals.
Jack Store Visits: Each week, classrooms are scheduled to visit the ‘Jack store’, where students can redeem their points for rewards.
Reward Options: Students can use their points for more immediate, smaller rewards like toys or food treats. Students also have the option to "bank" their points for larger items, such as movie tickets.
Teaching System:
PBIS lessons are scheduled for a minimum of 50min once a week in every class. There are lesson plans for each expectation within each area, e.g., safety in the learning area, safety in the outdoor area etc. Lesson plans can be found on the FileDrive under Whole Schoo>PBIS lesson plans (New). A rollout plan detailing the order of lesson plans is distributed at the start of each year. Monthly analysis of behavioural data may lead the PBIS team to make suggestions about lessons which need to be retaught.
Accountability system:
At Jackson School, students who do not meet our expectations are dealt with in a fair, consistent manner. Misbehaviour is managed in accordance with Jackson School’s behaviour flow chart. The behaviour flow chart divides behaviours into two distinct categories, minor and major behaviours. The behaviour flow chart also details procedures for dealing with both minor, and major behaviours. Behaviour flow charts are to be displayed in each classroom.
PBIS Behaviour Flow Chart & Major and Minor behaviours: PBIS Behaviour Flowchart
Minor behaviour trackers:
Minor behaviour trackers are physical forms. Classroom teachers are to fill in minor behaviour tracker in accordance with procedures listed on the behaviour flowchart. These are available on FileDrive under Whole Schoo>PBIS>Resources
Office referral forms
Staff are to complete office referrals to record breaches of our expectations in accordance with the Behaviour Flow Chart. Office referral forms are located on Xuno under incidents. Search for the student's name first in the top right-hand search bar. This system assists Jackson staff to collect data and implement appropriate strategies. When completing these forms please keep the content to the facts and refrain from using emotive language.
Jackson School implements a range of different consequences for students who do not meet behavioural expectations. Consequences are administered with the aim of targeting students’ motivation(s) for not following our expctations and re teaching the expected behaviour. A full list of the consequences implemented at Jackson School, and information on administering effective consequences, can be found in the Consequences Matrix on the PBIS Flowchart (see above link).
Tier Two PBIS Systems
Tier 2 PBIS systems offer more targeted, small group interventions for students who need extra help meeting Jackson School’s behavioural expectations. Students are selected for tier 2 interventions based on data generated by our Xuno referral data, and by discussions held between PLT Teams, classroom teachers and the Wellbeing team. Tier 2 PBIS consists of 3 interventions, check in, check out (CICO), social skills and bully prevention.
Check-In, Check-Out (CICO)
CICO targets students requiring staff check in to support positive behaviour. Parents and carers of students selected for CICO are notified of their child's participation before the program begins. CICO can only proceed when parents/carers and teachers collaborate to make the program successful at home, as well as school. Students enrolled in the program check-in with an adult staff member at the start of each day, set a personal goal for positive behaviour, and then check-out at the end of the day. Students enrolled in CICO carry a daily progress report card or it is recorded through PBIS Rewards electronically. CICO can support setting students up for success, providing them with constant feedback from a trusted adult on a daily basis.
Social Skills Program
There are 3 Social Skills programs run at Jackson. One is developed and supported by our Allied Health staff another delivered by our Youth Worker and the third program being delivered by external providers.
In all programs specific social skills are targeted, broken down into procedural steps, and are taught to students. Simple skills include; greetings, turn taking, initiating conversation, following instructions, and asking for help. Examples of advanced skills are; avoiding a fight, making a good choice, tolerating differences, and using an anger control strategy.
The Jackson School social skills program is data driven. Selection for the program is based on office referral data from our Xuno data base, and on teacher /Wellbeing team consultation. Success criteria, determining when students can exit the program, are also based on office referral and anecdotal data. The social skills intervention runs separately at primary and secondary levels, allowing us to target these different age groups with skills training relevant to their social and emotional development.
Bully Prevention System “EXPECT RESPECT”
Bullying Prevention is a system that is embedded across all three tiers of PBIS. It is first presented to students at the Tier 1 level through our teaching system and in particular the teaching of behaviours that reinforce our expectation of Respect. It is supported at this level also through our Behaviour Flow Chart and Major and Minor Referral systems. At Tier Two we aim to provide additional support for both the victims of bullying and the perpetrators of this behaviour. Bullying may take many forms and is not always necessarily face-to- face but can be experienced via the internet and social media. By removing peer attention, we can help make the bullying behaviour go away.
At Jackson we aim to teach our students the Stop, Walk, Talk system, which is:
STOP – Tell the person to stop STOP – When someone asks you
WALK –Walk away BREATHE – Take a deep breath
TALK – Tell an adult LEAVE – Walk away
Tier Three PBIS - Tertiary prevention
A Care Team approach has been established to support students who present in the Tier 3 data. Each student displaying Tier 3 behaviours will have a Behaviour Support Plan/IEP and a Behaviour De-escalation Plan complete with strategies to be implemented to support positive behaviour. Behaviour Support Plans are written in accordance with the Disability Act 2006.
Performance – Concert in the Courtyard
A school performance is held every year to showcase student achievements in Performing Arts. It is held in Term four in the courtyard (weather permitting) on the evening before the last day of school. The evening begins at 6 pm and has concluded by 8.30 pm. It is a highlight for families, students and staff where the whole school community comes together and celebrates the many talents of our students. Staff attendance is compulsory but will receive time in lieu.
Performance and Development Plans
The Performance and Development Plan cycle begins in February and ends in December. A mid-cycle review is conducted with your reviewer, which involves providing evidence of individual progress against the goals in your plan. Areas of individual support are identified in the process. All staff are required to have a PDP that is aligned with the School Strategic Plan, Annual Implementation Plan, Practice Principles and AITSL standards. Professional development will be provided, by the school to ensure staff plans reflect the needs of the school and of the individual. This is an online process through DE and submitted and reviewed through eduPay. All staff are notified of their PDP outcome by 30th April.
Each employee is responsible for developing their own performance and development plan (PDP). The PDP is based on a 12-month cycle. Employees should meet with their reviewer on a regular basis to discuss their performance and development needs. Specific milestones of the PDP are regularly communicated to staff during the cycle. Information on the PDP including key principles for performance and development, the PDP template, circulars, key dates and other guidance material can be found here for teaching staff and here for Education Support Staff Performance and Development for Education Support Class Employees: Overview | education.vic.gov.au
Phone Numbers
A list of phone numbers for all school phones is located beside each phone. Staff can use the school phones to communicate internally. Each class and area has an allocated extension number. Please refrain from calling classes frequently during class times to ensure minimal disruption. To contact the office, please press the reception button. For behaviour support press the 'behaviour' button .
There are 8 photocopiers throughout the school. Our main photocopier is located in the resource room off the sadmin corridor. If there are any difficulties with the machines, please seek help from the office staff or IT and do not attempt any repairs or fault-finding. Photocopying should be completed outside classroom time and staff should not be asked to go to the photocopier after 8.45 am. Authentic teaching practices that engage students with a hands-on approach are preferred over a heavy reliance on printed materials.
Physical Education
All students are expected to take part in Physical Education. Most PE classes are held on the oval however the hall is used during inclement weather and for a range of specific activities such as PMP, rock climbing, badminton, etc. Equipment for PE lessons is kept in the storage area off the hall. Please speak with Ben Everson, before using any equipment or using the hall during timetabled times.
All Jackson School Policies are located on iNewsletter.
All policies must comply with DE and legal requirements. All policies are ratified by the the principal and or school council and are reviewed regularly.
An A-Z of DE’s human resources policy can be found here. While employees are expected to comply with all of DE’s policies, it is imperative that new starters familiarise themselves with the following policies and procedures:
- Acceptable Use Policy
- DE’s Values
- Conflict of Interest Policy
- Disability and Reasonable Adjustments in the Workplace Policy
- Equal Opportunity, Discrimination and Harassment Policy
- Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy
- Performance and Development Plans – Key Policy Principles (Teacher)
- Performance and Development for Education Support Class Employees
- Privacy Policy
- Records Management Policy
- Sexual Harassment Policy
- Travel Policy
- Working Remotely Guidelines.
It is also essential that new starters complete the OHS Induction Checklist. The first part of the checklist requires you to familiarise yourself with the following policies and procedures:
- Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Policy
- OHS Consultation and Communication Policy
- OHS Issue Resolution Flowchart
- Health and safety representatives and committees (education.vic.gov.au)
- Hazard, incident and near miss reporting procedures (EduSafe)
- Information on employee supportservices (e.g. EmployeeAssistance Program and Conflict Resolution Support Service).
- First Aid Procedures
The second part of the checklist requires you to ask your Workplace Manager to provide you with the following information for your place of work:
- Emergency procedures
- Traffic management plan
- Introduction to the Return-to-Work Co-ordinator - Anthony Jackson
- Location of Chemical Register and associated Material Safety DataSheets
- Introduction to Asbestos Co-ordinator - Matt Gravatt or Graeme Congues
- Current Asbestos Management Plan and Asbestos Register
As a new employee you will be allocated the following OHS eLearning modules:
- OHS for New Employees
- Hazard and Incident Reporting
- Ergonomics
- Slips, Trips and Falls
- Manual Handling
You will receive an email with username and details for accessing the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) eLearning modules within 3 months of starting at DE. This email will include details of the timelines in which you are expected to complete these modules.
DE collects personal and health information of individuals in order to carry out our functions and operate our services, while balancing the rights of those individuals to privacy. This information can be about staff, students, parents/carers, research participants and others.
All staff have a duty to responsibly handle personal information in the course of their work. Broad guidance for this can be found in the Victorian Information Privacy Principles (IPPs) and the DE Privacy Policy. More direct guidance can be found in specific policies and processes such as the recruitment process, or school-specific policies found in the Policy and Advisory Library (PAL). Overall, staff must be aware of what information we are collecting, how we can and cannot use and/or disclose it, to ensure that we meet our obligations under privacy legislation while working at DE, and to avoid the mishandling of personal information. More information can be found on the Privacy page.
Professional Learning
Jackson School values our collaborative learning community with a strong emphasis on professional learning through PLTs, School Improvement Teams, Curriculum Days, and SSP Priorities.
The Professional Learning calendar is available within the whole school calendar on Xuno. ES Staff will be required to attend school professional learning as per the annual local agreement.