Occupational Health & Safety
Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) issues can be reported by logging the issue on the portal under the Building and Grounds Help Desk. In the event of an ongoing issue that has failed to be resolved please report directly to one of the Health and Safety Representatives (HSR), Helen Puljak. The HSR will meet with the Principal to discuss steps towards a resolution. Once steps have been put into place the Principal will notify the HSR. The HSR will then meet with the staff member to discuss the actions taken. All staff are asked to ensure that workplaces and corridors remain safe at all times by keeping spaces clean, clear of obstructions and that they are making responsible choices. Staff are required to complete professional learning modules in OHS every year. You will receive an email from DE prompting you to complete set requirements. Staff members who have accidents or suffer injuries at school should inform the Principal as soon as possible and complete an EduSafe incident report. Staff members who become ill during school hours should inform the Principal or Assistant Principal so that arrangements can be made for them to leave the school.
If you notice a syringe in the school grounds, please do not pick it up. Notify the office immediately so that it may be removed in a prompt and safe manner. A sharps container is located in the First Aid room.
The Department is committed to ensuring the safety, health and wellbeing of its employees, students and visitors through the provision of safe schools and workplaces. For more information on DE’s policies and practices relating to Safety, Health and Wellbeing in the workplace, view the following site.
The Department provides a range of employee safety and support services including:
- OHS Advisory Service (a telephone and in-person service providing effective and timely advice to principals, managers and employees on any aspect of workplace health and safety)
- Employee Assistance Program (a short term, solution focused, in person and strictly confidential counselling service)
- Manager Assist (a dedicated telephone advisory service available to support Principals and managers to access management support and coaching)
- Medical Advisory Service (a telephone and email advisory service for managers and principals provided by occupational health professionals familiar with the Department's policies and requirements).
- Workers' Compensation Advisory Service (a dedicated advisory service to assist managers and principals with the management of complex workers' compensation claims).
- The Workplace Contact Officer Network is a group of staff who have volunteered to be a point of contact for colleagues experiencing harassment, discrimination, bullying or victimisation.
Further information about these services is available here.
Office spaces
Office spaces exist across the school. Please be mindful that these spaces should be kept clean and clear of clutter. Please lock drawers and doors when not present to ensure valuables are safe. Money should not be kept in office spaces at any time and must be sent to the front office. Students should not be in an office unless a staff member is present.
Order Requests
If you wish to purchase any supplies for incursions/excursions, classroom activities, classroom supplies, teaching resources, please complete a purchase order using the purchase order system. All order requests must be approved by your PLT Leader. You are responsible for ordering or picking up your good/service and you will not be reimbursed for personal purchases.
Out of Home Care Students
All students in an Out of Home Care living arrangement requires an ILP and a care support team that meets each term. The care team consists of school social worker, school leadership if required, the class teacher, a DHHS case worker, family support worker and the carers of the student. The Wellbeing team manage all agencies involved in supporting students in OOHC. For further support contact Alex (Social Worker).