Late Arrival of students
Children arriving late must come through the front office to inform the office. After 9:05, students sign in through the Xuno kiosk which will update your roll. This important information will then be adjusted to the bus lists as needed. Late students should arrive with a Xuno kiosk late slip. If your student does not have one please send the student to the office.
Learning Spaces
It is the responsibility of every teacher to keep their learning space and surrounding areas tidy and in a clean, neat and professional condition at all times. A few moments should be spent at the end of each day, to ensure the floor is clear of papers, pencils, etc to save the cleaning staff time. Please assist by having the children place chairs on tables before the class is dismissed or as advised by the cleaning staff.
- All staff are responsible for their own heating/cooling. The optimum temperature for classroom heaters is 21oC
- Please be energy conscious by turning off lighting, ceiling fans and heaters when not in the room
- Please ensure all windows and doors are securely locked, heating and AC turned off, lighting turned off and computers turned off at the end of each day for environmental, economic and security reasons
- Please position expensive items out of view and away from windows
- Spills on the carpet should be immediately attended to. If further cleaning is required, please contact Graeme Congues or Lyle Congues if either staff are unavailable, contact the office.
- Computer and ICT equipment are positioned by ICT staff and must not be moved without permission. Please log an IT help Desk call on the PORTAL for any requests
- Please do not remove furniture from the staffroom, office or teacher work offices without checking with the facilities team first
- Student tables and chairs have been sorted into room sets to best suit the average size of children. For changes or additional requests please consult first with one of our OT's and then contact the facilities team
Leave without Pay, Long Service Leave
Leave without Pay is discouraged as it proves disruptive to student learning. It is given at the discretion of the Principal. Staff can apply for Long Service Leave and the school will make every attempt to support the chosen time of the staff member. All LSL requests must be made six months in advance. Please talk with the Principal directly and confirm in writing (email) to Anthony, Kristina & Matt.
The library is a resource for all staff and students. Use of the library is timetabled or booked on a need's basis via the Xuno Room and Resource Booking section. All resources borrowed from the library must be scanned upon being borrowed and returned through Oliver.