Industrial Action
All staff members have the right to make decisions regarding industrial action. Adequate notice of any industrial action must be provided to the Principal to enable parents/carers to be notified and the Duty of Care to be fulfilled. Union meetings may be held outside of teaching hours. Ane O'Day is the Sub- Branch President.
Interruptions to instruction
All members of staff must seek to preserve instruction time as much as possible. Therefore, interruptions that include sending students to the office and announcements over the PA system must be kept to a minimum.
Interpreting and translation services
Schools must offer interpreting and translation services to parents and carers who have limited or no English language skills to communicate key information about their child’s education.
Schools must use the department’s provider, the Victorian Interpreting and Translating Service LanguageLoop, to access funded interpreting and translation services.
Information on how to access this service is available below:
Language Loop Interpreting & Translation Services: 03 9280 1955
Emergency Bookings: 03 9280 1900
Telephone Interpreting Services:
- Vietnamese, Bosnian, Amharic: 03 9280 1901
- Greek, Somali, Korean: 03 9280 1902
- Turkish, Polish, Cambodian: 03 9280 1903
- Arabic, Serbian, Mandarin: 03 9280 1904
- Italian, Macedonian, Cantonese: 03 9280 1905
- Spanish, Croatian, Russian: 03 9280 1906
- Dari, Dinka, Sudanese: 03 9280 1908
- Persian, Burmese, Thai: 03 9280 1909
- All Other Languages: 03 9280 1907
LoopedIn Details (Online Booking Portal):
URL: https://loopedin.languageloop.com.au/LoopedIn_th/Login.aspx
Username: Jackson.sch@education.vic.gov.au
Password: Jackson4979
Booking via email: bookings@languageloop.com.au
Jackson School Pin: 45427
iPads & Laptops
A 1:1 iPad / laptop program is available to all classes from Prep to Year 12.
Staff are responsible for returning the class set of iPads and notebooks to the device storage cabinet at the end of each day and ensuring they are plugged into a power source for charging.
The cabinet must be locked at the end of the school day.
For further information, please see Pushp.