All members of staff are expected to refrain from involvement in any activity that may be deemed as sexual harassment as described in the DE Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures 2002 Human resources: Sexual Harassment (education.vic.gov.au) and refrain from involvement in any activity that may constitute racial or religious vilification.
- Anti Harassment Policy Incorporating Sexual Harassment and Racial and Religious Vilification. This document includes procedures to be followed should an incident of harassment occur. Any forms of unacceptable behaviour are to be reported to the Principal immediately.
Head Lice
Please report all cases of live head lice directly to the office. A letter will be sent home to the other students in the class or any student who has direct contact. See Head Lice Policy. Head Lice: Policy | education.vic.gov.au
Homework, as “Independent Learning” may be provided to students however it is limited to independent reading, or a simple practical task. Staff are strongly encouraged to ensure there is consistency across your PLT member classes. It is important to remember that students at Jackson School have an intellectual disability and the concentration asked to complete homework may be unrealistic. Please consider the support or challengers faced by some students and their families if considering placing this additional demand on them. Some of our EAL students may also receive additional tuition out of school.
Human Resources
Jackson School is governed by DE policies and practices. The Principal is ultimately responsible for all school-based HR activity. For further information about any HR topic please see the Principal, Operations & Business Manager or HR Manager. The DE HRWeb website is a helpful source of information. HRWeb for schools | schools.vic.gov.au