First Aid and Medical Information
First Aid supplies are kept in the First Aid room located in the front office. It is the responsibility of the First Aid Coordinator (Ivanna) to stock and maintain the first aid supplies in the school’s First Aid Room. However, it is the responsibility of staff to inform the First Aid Coordinator when supplies in the First Aid Room are becoming depleted. A number of portable First Aid kits are kept in the First Aid Room and should be taken on all camps and excursions. Although the First Aid Coordinator will maintain the supplies to the First Aid
Cupboard, it is the responsibility of the teacher in charge of the excursion/camp to ensure that the First Aid kit is sufficiently stocked. Students who require medication and have a medical plan will have an individually labelled container in the first aid room. This medication is to be kept in the first aid room at all times. When leaving the school for an excursion, teachers must carry the medication and plan, and ensure that the teacher is easily accessible to the student.
Students attend the first aid room for major injuries and illnesses which must be documented in Xuno and parents/carers informed. Staff are asked to complete the First Aid Incident on Xuno. Students must not be left in the sickbay without notifying the office staff. All head injuries are treated with the most utmost urgency and priority. Parents, guardians or emergency contacts must be notified.
Freedom of Information & Security
DE employees are obliged to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic). This means that departmental information, including information held by schools, must be protected against unauthorised access, use, disclosure, disruption or destruction.
All documents you create through your work with DE may be subject to a request for access under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic). This means it is important that any emails, notes and documents are accurate. As with all communications, written correspondence should reflect the DE's Values. All use of the Departments’ information and communications technology must be in accordance with the Department’s Acceptable Use Policy. You can learn more about freedom of information requests here.
Staff are encouraged to ensure they maintain professional integrity at all times at work,
within the community and online under Ministerial Order 199. Please ensure that all social media settings are set to private and that you are not online friends with students or parents/carers, for your safety and security.
Fitness Equipment
There is a range of permanent equipment at the far end of the oval. Students must be supervised at all times while using the equipment. Timetabled sessions are available upon request. The exercise area is a designated staff yard duty area for secondary students only.