Behaviour Management (PBIS)
Jackson School is committed to the implementation and practice of PBIS (Positive Behaviour Interventions and Supports). PBIS is an organised, data-driven system of interventions, strategies and supports, that positively impact school-wide and individualised behaviour planning. For more information refer to PBIS in this handbook.
Bell times
Music plays before each bell to signal students to end their task and move towards their classroom. From 8:45 am, students have access to the breakfast club (managed by ES staff) in the courtyard. All students must be inside their classrooms and ready for instruction by 9 am.
All students must remain in their classrooms to eat their lunch from 1:50–2:00 pm. Before leaving the room, students are required to dispose of any packaging and clean the area.
For students who do not have lunch, a cheese sandwich is available from the food tech room. When providing students with a cheese sandwich, please complete a Xuno wellbeing note/incident.
Students may ride bikes or scooters to school and must wear an approved safety helmet. Bikes or scooters are not to be ridden in the school grounds. Teachers are asked to monitor the riding of bikes while on duty. Bikes are to be stored in the bike racks located near the bus bay. Skateboards can be stored safely in classrooms for collection at 2:50 pm.
Breakfast Club
A breakfast club is provided to students who may otherwise go without. Breakfast Club is currently held every morning from 8:45 am until 9:00 am in the courtyard. Katherine McGee and Sam Brown manage the organisation of the breakfast club. Food Bank supplies our school with healthy food.
Borrowing Resources
Most resources are barcoded and must be checked out through the library system Oliver. Bookings for rooms or buses must be booked through Xuno.
At Jackson School, budgets are overseen by the Operations & Business Manager, Principal and Assistant Principal. Each PLT area has a budget that is managed by the PLT leader. Costs associated with excursions, incursions, activities and supplies for students and classes come out of this budget.
Building and Grounds
The Building and Grounds Committee meets once a fortnight. The committee is comprised of the School Principal, Assistant Principal, Operations & Business Manager, Facilities Manager and Facilities Team. The committee focuses on whole school building development, smaller projects, maintenance and OHS. Any applications for buildings and grounds work must be logged on the school portal under the Buildings and Grounds Submissions Form.
Buses (Student Transport)
Buses are provided for students who live more than 4.7 km from the school. Students are entitled to one seat on a bus. All bus information is available at the front office. Staff will ensure students arrive from the buses safely and move into the school grounds with allocated staff supervision. All staff support bus duty at the end of the day. Each bus has a specified assembly point in or around the courtyard. Staff are allocated to bus duty to support a safe and orderly process of getting students on their allocated bus.
Buses (School Owned Buses)
The School owns 6 buses that are used for student transport. We have 2 buses with 21 seats, 2 buses with 14 seats and 2 buses with 12 seats. Keys for each of the buses are stored in the office. Buses can be booked for approved external programs on Xuno under ‘Room and Resource Booking’. Bus drivers are responsible for completing the electronic Bus Journey & Pre-Trip Inspection and Safety Checklist Form and checking that all aspects of the vehicle are in working order before driving the bus. The bus driver must ensure that students clean up any mess on the bus before returning the bus. No student or staff member should eat or drink on the bus.
Bus Drivers
Staff must have bus training and a registered bus license to drive any school bus. Staff who would like to apply for the training, please speak to the facilities personnel.