- If you are going to be absent:
- Call the School Absence Line (03 9366 4322 and select option 3) by 7:00 am at the latest
- Complete the ‘Staff Absence Form’ on the portal by 7:00 am at the latest
- If you have not been able to call the school line before 7:00 am then please telephone Matt directly at 0421 776 117 and complete the ‘Staff Absence Form’ with the attached planning.
- Matt will decide whether a replacement is needed and will ring ANZUK by 7:00 to arrange so that CRTs are here before 8:45 am
- If you know you’ll be absent in advance, please let your PLT Leader know in your weekly team briefing & complete Staff Absence Form as early as possible.
- Matt Gravatt will put all daily replacement information on the portal (staff to replace, who will replace, yard duty, periods to be covered)
- Please check the portal daily for staff absences and any yard duty changes
- Login to eduPay to log your personal/carer leave to ensure you are paid for your absence
Staff Absence Form
- Click on the Staff Absence Form on the home page
- Fill out the Staff Absence Form and click submit
- An automated email will be sent to your email address confirming the successful lodgement of the Staff Absence Form
Should the ‘Staff Absence Form’ be unavailable, please email the following details to matthew.gravatt@education.vic.gov.au with:
Staff Name:
Reason for absence:
Full-Day/Half Day Absence Periods to be covered:
Specialist Classes:
Yard duty to be covered:
CRT Required:
Attachments: Planning Documents
Return to Work:
- Please ensure your leave is recorded on eduPay within 5 Days or this will be taken as sick unpaid
- Provide a medical certificate or statutory declaration for absences of more than three continuous days or for personal leave which occurs either immediately before and, or after a period of long service leave, school vacation, public holiday or school curriculum day.
If you are arriving late or leaving early, please complete the staff absence form (if known in advance) and sign in/sign out using the Xuno kiosk at the front office window.
Absence Entitlements:
- Three days absence with no doctor’s certificate
- After three days, a doctor’s certificate is required
- Allowed a total of five days without a doctor’s certificate
- Allowed a total of fifteen days leave with pay
- All absence after fifteen days is sick leave unpaid
If the absence is known in advance, teachers are requested to leave appropriate work for the class to continue with. Teachers are responsible for ensuring the CRT Information Folder is current. This folder explains the daily program, routines and emergency management procedures. Additionally, this folder contains details of management procedures for students with special needs, including challenging behaviours. Each class must have an up to date CRT folder. These folders are left in the classroom.
Access to building
All staff are provided with a fob that will allow entry into the buildings. Fobs are required to be updated weekly by touching on the fob points located next to the two side entry doors into the main foyer area. By 7:00 am each day, the building’s alarm system has been deactivated, and staff members are able to enter the building. A member of the Principal Team will be on call during holiday periods. The school cleaner is responsible for the final locking of the school each evening and turning on the security system, which is done by approximately 6:30 pm. All replacement fobs must be handed in at the office by the end of the day.
Accidents/injury involving staff while on duty are to be reported to the principal in the first instance and logged through eduSafe Plus via the portal. This is of vital importance due to WorkCover requirements.
Active Supervision
All teachers are required to do Active Supervision, which may also include supervising a lunchtime club/ common room. Full-time staff are required to do three sessions of Active Supervision each week, and part-time staff complete theirs on a pro-rata basis. Occasionally, a new Active Supervision timetable is created to accommodate whole school events such as Swimming or Planning Days. Staff are reminded to be considerate of their colleagues by turning up on time and wearing a hat in Terms one and four.
Teachers undertake Active Supervision are to ensure that students remain safe, engaged in positive play and supported to resolve conflict. All staff are expected to utilise PBIS when resolving issues amongst students, as it is important that students return to their classrooms feeling heard and understood and that a fair outcome has been reached. Please inform classroom teachers of issues in the yard in person or, if you don't see them, by phone straight away upon returning to your room. If you can't speak to the teacher, then please notify them promptly via TEAMS chat or email.
If there is a major incident , please notify a leadership staff member or the office ASAP for support. All staff have equal responsibility in their ‘Duty of Care’ of students. If you have any questions regarding Active Supervision, please see a member of the leadership team.
All students who have a head injury (of any kind) must be walked to the First Aid room and parents/carers notified. A wheelchair is also kept in the first aid room and can be used as required.
Allied Health Team
Jackson School has an Allied Health Team that consists of:
x3 Occupational Therapists: Tess Newland (3 Days), Stefani Tascione, Jade Macaraeg
x4 Speech Therapists: Briana Petrocco (4 Days) Naanthini Manokaren (3 days) Maddie Vu, Nataliya Sertic
x1 Allied Health Assistant: Janine O'Meara (Full Time)
Allied Health support will be available to all teachers and PLT teams. Each PLT Team can invite Allied Health staff to their Jackson Learner time to assist with 'team around the learner' discussions. Allied Health staff will also facilitate professional development sessions in their areas of expertise, to upskill all staff members. Classrooms can communicate and implement appropriate Allied Health programs according to individual student and class needs.
Annual Implementation Plan (AIP)
Our AIP sets out the actions, activities and milestones for the year to deliver the goals, key improvement strategies (KIS) and targets set out in the 4-year School Strategic Plan (SSP). The full AIP is developed and monitored each semester in SPOT (Strategic Planning Online Tool). This also includes the self-evaluation against FISO (Framework for Improving Student Outcomes), outlines professional learning priorities and DE targeted funding initiatives.
Full-time staff receive 200 minutes (3hrs 20 minutes) of non-instruction time with 50 minutes being designated for a Professional Learning Team meeting followed by a 50 minutes of PLT Jackson Learner time to discuss engagement & wellbeing 'team around the learner' work. The other 100 minutes is to be used to support the teaching and learning of students. Where possible, staff should plan with their partner teachers or other team members who are simultaneously scheduled with non-instruction time. Full-time graduate teaching staff receive one extra period of non-instruction time. Part-time staff receive the same non-instruction time on a pro-rata basis.
Primary and Secondary classes hold assemblies on Friday at 2:00 pm. Each term begins and ends with a whole school assembly. Assemblies are an excellent opportunity to celebrate our successes and achievements and recognise our students who are representing our school values: independence, learning, safety, respect and responsibility. We also acknowledge positive student behaviour through 'Students of the Week' and our PBIS expectations. Students are encouraged to participate in assemblies to develop their communication and personal development skills. Parents and Carers are invited to attend each week. All Jackson School staff are responsible for supporting students in assemblies by reinforcing positive behaviour and engaging in the assembly activities.