Principal's Welcome

Anthony Jackson - Principal

Welcome to our Collaborative Learning Community


Welcome to Jackson School. We are delighted to have you join us as a member of our school community. 


There is a range of material and guidance available to help new starters understand our priorities and values, familiarise themselves with the Department of Education’s (DE) policies and procedures, and easily transition into their new role and responsibilities. In addition to DE’s culture and values statement, Jackson has a Community Expectation Matrix of values and expectations for all members of our school community. This is an integral part of your Performance and Development Plan. 


All new staff undertake an onboarding/induction program and supported by the cohort PLT leader. Educational Support Staff members are mentored while Graduated and Pre-Service Teachers will also be supported by a trained mentor. 


Induction and onboarding material is coordinated by our HR Manager and Learning Specialist . Any feedback or suggestions are welcome to ensure that your start with us is successful.


Our Vision & Values 


Jackson School is a collaborative learning community for all. 

We aim to develop independence through safety, respect and responsibility. 


We aspire to offer authentic, quality educational experiences that develop futures, create opportunities and inspire potential; 

enabling our students to be valued and contributing members of the wider community. 

We share and celebrate our successes and achievements. 


School Context 


Jackson School employs:

  • 52 Classroom Teachers
  • 81 Classroom Educational Support staff (ESS)
  • 9 Allied Health Staff ( 3 partime) including an Allied Health Assistant
  • 1 Finance Manager
  • 1 HR Manager
  • 1 Admin & Facilities Manager
  • 1 OSHC Project Manager / Resources Manager
  • 1 Executive Assistant
  • 1 DI/Enrolments Officer
  • 1 Social Worker (Child Safety Officer)
  • 1 Youth Worker
  • 1 Mental Health Practitioner (0.8)
  • 2 Art Therpaist ( 0.8) 
  • 1 Behaviour Therapist 
  • 1 Hands-On Learning ES
  • 2 ICT Technicians (1 Full Time and 1 Part-Time)
  • 2 Facilities/Grounds Officers
  • 4 Learning Specialists
  • 6 Leading Teachers
  • 1 Business & Operations Manager
  • 3 Principal Class Officers (Principal &  Assistant Principal)

Specialist programs include: 

  • Design Technologies
  • Cafe / Food Technology
  • Health and Fitness
  • Library
  • Physical Education
  • Performing Arts/ Media Arts
  • STEM
  • Visual Arts

The school provides a safe, supportive and friendly learning environment, with PBIS (Positive Behaviour Intervention and Support) guiding the behaviour expectations of the school to develop a safe and orderly environment. 


The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)of students is determined by the Victorian Curriculum Levels with individual goals set for achievement. All students have an Individual Learning Plan (ILP). Teachers consider the differentiation needed in designing school programs and implementing researched based pedagogical approaches. 


Jackson School is a learning centred school. We operate within a:

  • safe and orderly environment
  • a guaranteed and viable curriculum
  • project-based learning
  • a play-based early years program
  • weekly professional learning teams
  • a calendar of engaging activities for the school community

Our dedicated staff are committed to placing students at the centre of all decisions. 

The curriculum at the school is based on the philosophy that children learn best when their experiences are authentic, structured and take into account the differing needs of the students. Explicit, hands-on teaching that engages students is the priority. The school's philosophy is firmly based on the belief that every student has the ability to learn and all students can be taught.


Literacy and numeracy are at the heart of our teaching. We provide an innovative and broad curriculum from Prep (Foundation) to Year 10 with VPC (Foundation Level) or Applied Learning (ASDAN) as pathways at Year 11 and 12. We are a collaborative learning community and our focus is on a strength – based approach, where learning is scaffolded and differentiated. Our teachers draw on their knowledge and understanding of each students’ skills and capabilities in developing lessons and learning tasks. The school strives to build the independence of all students by offering a rich array of experiences, backward by design, to ensure our students are ready to successfully integrate into post-school options. 


A high level of student engagement and improved student learning is achieved by integrating eLearning into teaching and learning. All classrooms have high access to Interactive Digital Projectors, iPads, computers and relevant software. Laptop Tablets, iPads and Apple TV’s are available in all rooms. The wireless capacity has been increased to meet the demands of a 21st Century Skills framework. 


Teaching and learning programs are planned around professional learning teams (PLT’s) at each year level. We offer a play-based curriculum inspired by Reggio Emilio along with a structured play-based program to support the development of oral language and social skills. Years 2 to 8 work within a program where Literacy and Numeracy is their core business, within an Inquiry-based model. 


Travel Education is introduced in Secondary School the Year 9 and 10 classes benefit from the introduction of project enterprises along with the continuation of Literacy and Numeracy as core work. At Years 11 and 12 students take one of two pathways. Applied Learning (ASDAN) builds life skills through the completion of the Bridges Award while the second stream delivers VCAL at the Foundation level within a project-based learning structure. Intervention is provided at all levels in speech, occupational therapy and engagement. Hands-On Learning (HOL) is an intervention program that caters for small groups of students needing close guidance from a mentor whilst completing hands-on projects. 


Learning at Jackson School is enhanced by a blend of traditional and innovative teaching styles together with additional learning experiences gained through a variety of enrichment programs. We focus on the delivery of a differentiated curriculum, which enables us to cater for individual needs. Our Jackson Student Leadership Team enables us to listen to and act on the voice of the students and has assisted us to build very strong home-school partnerships. These partnerships give our students the very best opportunity to succeed at their highest level. 


Jackson School offers a wide range of curriculum and extra-curricular choices: 

  • Lunchtime sports games and clubs
  • Swimming lessons and a dry swim classroom program ( P-6  swimming lessons, 7-12 Vouchers)
  • Comprehensive camping, excursion and incursion programs across the school
  • Student wellbeing support staff offering engagement programs additional to HOL (Hands-On Learning)
  • Extensive community links with external providers such as Mambourin, Scope, CERES, Water2All, Brunswick Industries

The school is divided into two sub-schools: 

  • Primary (P-6)
  • Secondary (7-12)

Leading Teachers (P-12)


Meggan Decker - Junior School

Kathy Pham- Middle School

Helena McAloon –  Senior School

Michelle Zammit - Wellbeing & Support 

Deborah Munoz – Transitions and Disability  Inclusion 

Kelly Sherrard - Curriculum & Assessment 


Learning Specialists


Gabi Maher - Professional Learning

Sarah Brens - Literacy

Jaclyn Hartzema - Numeracy

Jessica Richards - Inclusion Outreach Coach 


Our timetable operates on five 50 minute periods per day with two breaks of thirty minutes. This allows for the most effective use of learning time and to cater for our specialist classes across the school. Our students’ many talents are also catered for through opportunities as diverse as Spring Fete, Concert in the Courtyard, Year 9-12 Formal evenings, Graduation Ceremonies and excursions and incursions. Our belief that student and staff wellbeing is integral to a successful school is reflected in our whole school emphasis on positive behaviour and purposeful learning. Jackson School Leadership Team offers leadership opportunities for students as well. 


The school has built a growing community and family support. Parents/Carers participate in Student Support Group (SSG) Meetings, Information Sessions, Learning Showcase Days, Spring Fete, Sports Days,, Graduation and Achievement Awards assemblies. A Parents, Carers and Friends committee runs a Mother’s Day and Father’s Day stall. School events and information nights are increasing in attendance and parents/carers also have many opportunities to voice opinions to teachers and the school through communication channels such as the Xuno, ‘Seesaw’ App (an online digital learning platform), the school website and ideas through the School Council. 


Once again, we welcome you to our school community and we look forward to working with you. 


Anthony Jackson 
