Specialist News 

Mrs Roberts Miss Bacon Mr Espenschied

PERFORMING ARTs with Mrs Herbert 

It was with great enthusiasm that we commenced our music program this term. Did you know that music can create a feeling of cohesion and social connectedness!   This is certainly evident in our classes at Bittern PS. 


Every Wednesday the classes engage in activities related to singing. listening, moving, creating and playing. This term the grades 3 - 6 will be learning to read music and learn the recorder.  An order form has been sent out via Compass to order a personal recorder.  We encourage the students to have their own recorder for hygiene reasons and for practising. Stay tuned for some upcoming performances and concerts scheduled for later in the year. 


 FIGATROLL is coming to our school! 

The 3 Billy Goats Gruff
The 3 Billy Goats Gruff

The Contemporary Opera Company FIGATROLL will be entertaining us with a free performance on Wednesday, 28th February. 

This performance is for the whole school and is fully funded by the Mornington Peninsula Foundation. The show was written for school and will be about 45 minutes in duration. 

It should be great fun! 


Visual Arts 


My name is Sarah Roberts and I am thrilled to be your student’s Visual Arts teacher this year at Bittern Primary School. I am so excited to have the opportunity to be a part of your student’s creative experiences and artistic growth.


Throughout the year I plan on exposing our students to a wide range of different artists, art styles and art mediums and processes. I will encourage them to talk intelligently about art and see the beauty in the world around them. They will learn how to use the elements of art and the principles of design.  If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, or you would like to donate to the art program, assist in hanging art, or if you have any particular art skills you would like to share with your child’s class, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Please contact me at school on Mondays and Wednesdays. 

Donations gratefully received! 

Below you will see a list of art supplies our art classroom would benefit from. If you have any of these laying around at home and wish to donate, we would be very grateful. 


Thank you so much for your support! 


 Auslan (Australian Sign Language)

Auslan classes this term will be conducted on Monday for the year 5/6 students and on Wednesday for the rest of the school. As the new foundation students are currently absent on a Wednesday, they will be participating in Auslan sessions during their buddy time on a Monday afternoon until the end of February. 


This year we will continue to encourage the use of Auslan across the school. Each week there are new focus signs that will be used in every area throughout the school. Teachers will have these posters up in the classrooms and encourage the students to use them regularly.


Vicki Graeme has worked tirelessly to provide these posters and assistance throughout the school, we thank her for her efforts.


The following signs will be the focus for this term:


Week One Good Morning Good Afternoon
Week Two PleaseThank you 
Week ThreeYes No
Week FourReady Finish
Week FiveHelp Sorry
Week SixAgainNo Yet 
Week SevenStandSit
Week Eight ToiletOk

Health/Sport and PE 

Practice for Summer sport has started in earnest with the tradition of developing sound volleyball skills to the fore. Remember in 2022, Bittern PS's girls volleyball side was one win a way from competing for the state title.

PE lessons are in full swing with the emphasis on the fundamental motor skills this term - throwing, catching, striking, kicking, jumping, running and dodging.

Preps are initially working on routines and being able to recognize boundaries, safe use of equipment and working together in small groups.

PE is normally on Tuesdays for grades F-4 and Wednesdays for grades 5-6. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately to do PE. Sports top, runners and shorts are great if possible. Hats are also a must on  in Term One with lessons being predominantly outside.

Looking forward to seeing parents getting involved in any events and assisting where possible with things like Swimming Sports.The first major sporting event for grades 3-6 this term is District Swim Sports and thanking Kristy and Cath for assistance with trials transport to Crib Point Swimming Pool this Thursday, 15th. Summer Lightning Premiership is late this term and stay tuned for Cross Country in Term Two. Athletics is Term Three and Triathlon is in Term Four along with Bike Ed.