Buildings and Grounds News 

Capital Works Update 

In the last week of the school holidays, our new classroom (MOD 5 building) was put in place and provided with the the necessary fittings. 

The school is in the process of working with the Project Management team to select a building company to install the deck area between the new building and the current library and re-purpose our existing library into state of the art learning spaces. 


This is a very exciting time for our school and we cannot wait to share the various stages of this project with you as they unfold throughout the year.









We need your help? THE BIG MOVE! 

Once the MOD 5 has been handed over to the 

school we will be decanting the library (books, equipment, furniture, ICT equipment etc) into the new building and various other locations within the school. We also need to gather any garden equipment from within the building zone area.  We will be scheduling a working bee for this task, and will provide you with dates and times as soon as possible  If you are able to assist us with any of these tasks please contact me at school.  

'Many hands make light work' and we need as much support as we can. So please stay tuned for more information regarding our 'Big Move!"


Junior Playground 

We have given our sandpit in the junior playground a much needed make over. Using some of the profits from our Colour Run at the end of last year, we have filled the sandpit with new sand and are in the process of purchasing new sand toys and a trolley for our junior students to play with and enjoy. 


Over the last few months we have noticed that rubbish is being dumped over our back fence into our school yard.  This includes tissue, paper, cans, broken pots etc. Please keep an eye out for any suspicious behaviour that may lead us to identifying this person or people. 

This behaviour does not support our values of school pride and certainly compromises safety for our school community. 

If you have any information please contact the school.