From the Classroom

Grade 5/6

Welcome to the new school year. We have had a happy and smooth transition into our new classes and we’ve enjoyed a positive start.

Yesterday, we sent home an information sheet to families. We hope it was helpful but if you have any further questions, please contact us.

Dani has been on Long Service Leave for the past fortnight and she will return next Monday. Gab Pirie has been her replacement and by knowing the kids so well, has helped them with this smooth transition. Thanks Gab! We look forward to seeing you when you do more CRT days.

We have been busy with pre testing the Grade 5 students in preparation for NAPLAN as well as the Grade 6 students to inform our teaching. We will now target the students at their next point of need.

We have a focus on reading this year. We have been getting ourselves into routines during the reading block and following the ‘Workshop Model’ to ensure we get the most out of our time. Next Monday, the students will start bringing home their diaries to record their home reading. They may also take a book home from school to read. We encourage them to read for pleasure. It can be any form of text that they have an interest in.                                                    There are 4 questions we ask ourselves when choosing a book:

1. Am I interested in this book?

2. Can I read it?

3. Does it give me something to talk and think about?

4. Will it help me to practice what we’re learning to do?


Next Wednesday 14th February, is our Welcome BBQ, our classrooms will be open from 5pm if you would like to come in and have a look through. The meal will begin at 5:30. Please bring a salad or dessert to share.


The UR Strong parent session is on Thursday 22nd February at 6:30pm. It will be an online session for you and your child/ren to attend. It will provide some valuable strategies and skills about building friendships as well as a common language we can use at school and home.   CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Science News

We started the term off with a bang, with all students from Grades 3-6 completing an experiment to create a lava lamp. We investigated the chemical reactions made between the coloured water and Alka-Seltzer tablet to create the bubbles of lava, and the difference between something being water soluble (food colouring) and non-water soluble (oil). Everyone had a blast measuring their ingredients and watching the lava come to life.  


Please enjoy these photos of Grade 5/6M, and you will find a copy of the experiment in there too!