Classroom connection
What's happening in the classroom?
Classroom connection
What's happening in the classroom?
A Wonderful Start for Our Prep Students!
What an amazing first full week it has been for our Prep students! They have settled into school life beautifully, learning routines, making new friends, and embracing each new experience with enthusiasm. The Prep teachers are extremely proud of how quickly the students have adjusted to school life, embracing new experiences with confidence and enthusiasm as they begin their school learning journey.
This week also marked the start of our Buddy Program, where our senior students partnered with Prep students for a special afternoon together. On Thursday, the older students read stories to their younger buddies and enjoyed lunchtime together, helping them feel welcomed and supported. This program fosters friendships across year levels and creates a strong sense of community within our school. We look forward to many more buddy sessions throughout the year!
En Histoire, nous avons bien sûr étudié les chiffres romains. Les élèves de CM1 ont résolu une petite enigme. Y parviendrez-vous ? Antoine et Pierre de 4F ont trouvé la réponse en moins de deux minutes, bravo !
In French History, we studied Roman Numerals, of course. Year 4 binome students solved a little riddle. Can you do it? Antoine and Pierre from 4F found the answer in under two minutes, congratulations!
Quelle est l’année qui contient tous les chiffres romains une seule fois, en ordre décroissant ?
What is the year that contains every roman numeral, only once each, in decreasing order?
-Monsieur Berraud