Mrs. Debbie Terry
Mrs. Debbie Terry
To begin the 2025 school year we have been introducing the VCOP crew to the students and looking at how the VCOP crew can help us in our writing. The students have been introduced to: Vinny Vocabulary, Connie Connective, Ollie Opener, and Penny Punctuation. Our primary focus for Term 1 will be punctuation and how we need to use punctuation to up level our writing.
Over the past few weeks we have been revising a couple of important reading comprehension strategies. We have been looking into Making Predictions and Making Connections. These two strategies are vitally important to understanding the texts that we read. When we read there are three different ways that we can make connections; text to self, text to text and text to world. Coming up we will be working on Making Inferences.
You may have heard your child come home and mention what they did in Daily Review during Maths lessons. What is the Daily Review? The Daily Review consolidates students’ understanding and develops their fluency in essential understandings for numeracy sessions. It also ensures that students have the prerequisite skills for the day’s lesson. The Daily Review adds to students’ confidence by ensuring that previously taught skills and concepts are reviewed in a sequenced and planned way. The Daily Review is normally delivered for approximately 15 to 20 minutes just prior to the Teacher Presentation.
This year, to help facilitate our Social Emotional Learning program we are using Body Bright. What is Body Bright? Butterfly Body Bright takes a whole school approach to support positive body image in children. Developed by Butterfly’s Prevention Team, Body Bright is a strength-based, evidence-informed program designed for Australian primary schools – for students in Foundation to Year 6.
The program aims to promote healthy attitudes and behaviours towards the body, eating, and physical activity in children so they can thrive both at school and in life.
B- Brave
R - Resilient
I - Inclusive
G - Grateful
H - Happy
T - Thoughtful
Have a great week!
Mrs Terry and Miss Becc