
Ms Melanie


The Preps practised sequencing three and four events in order, using first, next, then, last, before, and after to describe the order. They also explained the events that occur at different times, such as eating breakfast in the morning, going to swimming lessons in the afternoon, and putting on pyjamas in the evening. Throughout the day, we refer to the classroom visual timetable to follow the sequence of events. 


Using the Hungry Caterpillar story, the Preps are learning the names of the days in a week. They created their caterpillars, ordering the days of the week and the events on each day. 


During Maths Blast, the Preps play subitising games to reinforce their ability to see the quantity of dots without counting. 


The Preps listened to and responded to The Hungry Bear. After listening to the story, the students sequenced the main events using the language first, next, then, after, and last. They also identified the WHO and DOING in the story. They discussed the three new words from the story: yanked, shrinking, and grumpy. The Preps identified the different types of punctuation in the text, using the Kung Fu punctuation hand movements to represent the punctuation. They also practised writing the beginning shapes required to form most letters. 




Helping people in our school community, the students discussed and identified various ways they can help themselves and others at school. We also discussed people in the school community who can help us, such as  Mr Steve, Miss Marion, Miss Melissa, Father Chinua and Miss Melanie. The Preps listened to the Rainbow Fish story and reflected on how the octopus helped the Rainbow Fish and how the other fish felt when the Rainbow Fish shared his scales with them. The students created and decorated their Rainbow Fish for future activities and reflections.  


The Preps are looking forward to their first excursion next week. We are very excited to visit the Frankston Library and learn how the books get sorted and what happens there.