Ms Lisa
Ms Lisa
Hi parents!
The last two weeks we have done some break dancing in FunFit. Foxy (the teacher) taught us moves like the frog, the turtle, the ninja and popping. It was amazing! We asked if he could do a flip and he did! My favorite thing was the turtle because I got to do it with one hand or two hands, and my legs went up in the air, so it was really fun. Something challenging was the noodle, where we had to stand up and try and jump through our own legs. I did it once but then couldn't do it again. We are really enjoying FunFit!
To begin the 2025 school year, we have been introducing the VCOP crew to the students and looking at how the VCOP crew can help us in our writing. The students have been introduced to: Vinny Vocabulary, Connie Connective, Ollie Opener, and Penny Punctuation. Our primary focus in Term 1 is punctuation, and we have been working on incorporating this into persuasive writing pieces. Tomorrow (Friday the 28th), students are writing a persuasive letter to show off their learning. I highly encourage you to chat to your students about their ideas/plan, as this can have a big positive impact on their writing. This is called 'Talk Homework', and I'll also send it home via Seesaw each fortnight.
We are already halfway through the term (!) so I just wanted to take this opportunity to flag a few important events coming up in 5/6L and around the school. Tomorrow we are celebrate an amazing start to the school year with our School Family Picnic. I'm looking forward to seeing as many of you there as possible...unless, of course, you plan on dunking me in the 'Dunk-A-Teacher' machine!
Next week we have parent-teacher conferences. These are short, ten minute sessions for us to touch base about how students have settled in to the new school year, and chat about some of their goals. It's expected that all families make a booking to attend, and times are available on Monday and Wednesday, up until 7pm. If you are having any issues, please let me know.
As a school, we are celebrating Ash Wednesday next week by attending a whole school mass. Families are, as always, welcome to attend.