Principal's Report

Saint Francis Xavier - Principal's Report


Term 1 - Week 5


Dear Parents and Friends of St Francis Xavier,


Next Wednesday, both students and staff will head down to the church for the Ash Wednesday Mass. This special Mass marks the beginning of the Season of Lent. During this Mass, ashes will be distributed, and students will pray for God’s blessings as we journey towards the great celebration of Easter.

As Catholic Christians, we are called to experience a ‘change of heart’ during Lent. This means we are all called to:

  • Pray more often
  • Practise self-denial
  • Practise almsgiving or acts of charity

For the forty days from Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday, we strive to become more thoughtful, patient, generous, and Christ-like. This is what the children in our school are learning about and practising.


Loving Father,

As we embark on this sacred journey of Lent, bless our hearts with humility and our actions with compassion. Guide us in prayer, fasting, and acts of kindness. May this season be a time of reflection, growth, and unity within our Catholic primary school community. Grant us the strength to embrace challenges and draw closer to You. In the spirit of love and sacrifice, may our efforts bring us closer to the joy of Easter.


Student Progress Meetings

Thank you to the families who have already booked a time to meet with their child’s teacher next week for a student progress meeting. If you have not yet done so, please log in to School Interviews Online to secure your appointment.

Student progress meetings will take place in the second half of both Terms One and Three. I strongly encourage families to book a meeting, as it is a valuable opportunity to discuss how your child has adjusted to their new learning environment in 2025.


Just a reminder that if you have a PSG meeting this term, you do not need to book a separate student progress meeting.

Welcome Picnic

One more sleep until the Welcome Picnic! We look forward to welcoming all students and their families back to school tomorrow evening from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm.

Families should bring their own snacks and drinks. Sausages in bread will be on sale for $2.00, and icy poles for $0.50. There will also be a cake stall, market stalls to visit, and tattoos for the kids. Please bring gold coins and $5 notes if possible, as we will struggle to provide change for larger notes.

There will be a large jumping castle for S.F.X students and younger siblings. For the first time, we have also organised a Dunking Castle! The dunking will begin at 5:30 pm, with Miss Lisa and Mr. Will in the hot seat. It will be $2 for 3 throws. Mr. Brendan and Miss Melissa will then take over just before 6:00 pm. Hopefully, everyone has spent all their money by 6:20 pm, which is when Miss Renee and I will have our turn!


I need to remind all families that, due to Child Safety regulations, this is an alcohol-free event.


It is also important to note that students cannot be dropped off at the Welcome Picnic and left alone. This is a family event, and all students (and siblings) must have parental supervision at all times while on the school grounds.

District Swimming Event

I would like to congratulate four of our amazing students who competed at the District Swimming Event at the Pines Swimming Pool last week. Mr. Brendan and Miss Erin were there to witness Eva S., Olive S., Patricia J., and Willow G. swim fantastically well in their races. Well done, girls!

Morning Drop-Off in the Drive-Through

The last few days haven’t been fantastic in our school drive-through, with cars queuing on Park St to enter. If all cars follow the set procedure, this would not happen, and traffic should flow smoothly.

A reminder of the driveway rules during morning drop-off:

  • Parents must stay in the car at all times. You cannot get out of the car to open the door for your child or retrieve their bag from the boot.
  • No students can exit the vehicle on the driver's side. Children must exit independently from either the front or back door on the passenger side.
  • Drive as far forward as possible (close to the big electrical school sign) before stopping to allow your child to exit.
  • School bags must be with students in the car, not in the boot.
  • If your child cannot exit the car independently, please use the church car park, where you can park and take your time.

Late Arrivals

Could I please ask all families to ensure that children arrive at school no later than 8:40 am.

We are seeing an increasing number of students arriving late. When students arrive late, it can be very difficult for them to settle in, as they miss important instructions given to their classmates. This also disrupts teachers, who then need to repeat themselves.


I understand that mornings can be unpredictable, and occasional lateness is understandable. However, if this is becoming a regular occurrence in your household, please try to be as organised as possible the night before. Lay out uniforms, pack bags, and prepare lunches in advance. In the morning, wake up a little earlier and leave with enough time to get to school stress-free and with time to spare.

Concessional Fees / CSEF

Any families with a valid Health Care/Concession Card should provide this information to the office. Families with a valid concession card are entitled to discounted school fees as well as CSEF funding.

Please contact Claire or Kellie in the office if you need more information. All forms must be submitted before 4th July 2025.

Prep Enrolments 2026

We have already received the first few enrolment forms for Prep in 2026!

If you know anyone who may be interested in enrolling at S.F.X, please encourage them to book a tour or call the school office for more information.

If you have a child starting at St. Francis Xavier next year, please collect an enrolment form from the office if you haven’t already done so.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Steve Peart

School Principal