Year 3/4 Mainstream

Celebrating Learning


Wominjeka to the 2025 school year!


What we’ve been up to


Students are settling into their new classes nicely and we have begun our year by getting to know each other. Activities and games have allowed us to familiarise ourselves with our classmates and teachers, and the routines and rhythms of the day and week. 

All of the Year 3/4 classes have been developing a set of classroom expectations that we can all live by to make our classroom a safe and happy space to be. 



In Mathematics, students have been exploring place value up to 4-digits through games and other hands-on activities. Classes have been renaming numbers using different place values and representing them using a range of resources, including counters, cards, MAB and dominoes. Students have started investigating 2D and 3D shapes this week as they created composite 3D shapes involving regular and irregular shapes. They have also expanded their ability to describe shapes using mathematical language such as faces, edges and vertices.  


The library was open for borrowing from this week. Please encourage your child to keep their new green library bags in their school bags at all times unless they are being used. This bag is intended to support students to remember to keep their books in a safe space and to bring them to school ready to return and reborrow. 


In Reading, students have been exploring our class libraries and settling into the reading routines of the classroom. By immersing themselves in stories about personal strengths, coping strategies and general wellbeing, they are supported to identify and practise strategies that will help them in class and with their learning. Additionally, we have been exploring persuasive text types and identifying the features and devices that help us be more convincing! Perhaps they are using some of these skills at home without realising!


In Writing, over the next few weeks students will be practising the Writer’s Process of seeding, planning, drafting, revising and editing. Our current focus is on the persuasive writing structure and features, which aligns with our reading focus. We have been unpacking seeds and planning in a thorough way that gives us strong ideas to write about. 


What’s coming up:

  • Mathematics incursion: Wednesday 26th February- please remind to provide permission and payment for your child via Compass.
  • In Reading, students will be identifying persuasive language devices in text examples including; repetition and rhetorical questions.
  • In Writing, we will be drafting, revising and editing their persuasive letters. 
  • In Mathematics, students will be further exploring 2D & 3D shapes including composite 2D shapes and viewing 3D shapes from different angles.

Things families can talk about at home:

  • How to convince people to agree with a point of view on a topic.
  • Noticing different shapes all around us and what properties define each shape e.g. faces, edges and vertices.
  • Reading routines; what and when are you reading at home?

What are we looking forward to this year?


“I am looking forward to doing maths on the laptops!” Charlie, 3/4A
“I can’t wait to do painting in Art!” Kaiylayna 3/4B
“I am hoping to learn more about what cubed means in maths” Teddy, 3/4C
“I’m looking forward to doing clay in Art” Pip 3/4B
“I’m excited for using laptops and going on school camp” Shakyla 3/4A
“I am looking forward to writing stories during Writer’s Workshop” Rosie, 3/4C