Prep / 1 Steiner
Celebrating Learning
Prep / 1 Steiner
Celebrating Learning
Oh, Tommy was a piper′s son
He learned to play when he was young
And the only tune that he could play
Was 'Over the hills and far away′
Over the hills and a long way off
The wind shall blow my top knot off
Now Tom with his pipe made such a noise
That he pleased both the girls and boys
And they did dance when he did play
'Over the hills and far away'
Oh Tom did play with such a skill
That those around could not stand still
And all who heard him they did dance
Down through England, Spain and France
Come back come back my dancing feet
Come back along the Piper’s Street
Come back come back my own top knot
Come back adrift the Piper’s croft
Milly Molly Milly Molly Mandy May, my mother makes muffins mostly in May…
…The children have been making up rhymes and ditties accompanying our sound of the day explorations. We have been miming, and finding things that sound like the letters of each day.
Prickles and Spike the echidna siblings have been back to their old tricks. Spike loves counting and wanted to work out the length of the table and rug but wasn’t quite sure how to count such things… Perhaps she could measure them with hats or sticks? But how could she be sure that her and prickles measurements were the same?
We have been on many adventures together, we followed the journeys of the dragon who lost his name and found it, and just like the King and Queen of the Sea, drew the dragon Utush’s flight paths in our magical books (during our form drawing main-lesson). We are now entering the pages of our Grimm’s Fairy Tale Main lesson.