P & F Updates

On behalf of the P&F, we would like to welcome all new and returning families to the 2025 school year. What a way to kick off the 2025 year with our welcome picnic! We are so grateful to everyone who donated items for sale, helped secure donations from local businesses and for everyone's time to assist on the stall. It is truly not possible without the help of many hands. The final proceeds raised was $988!


The P&F met for our first meeting this year in week 2 and has started to identify key fundraising events and projects for 2025. The P&F is currently working on a calendar of fundraising events that will work alongside the school curriculum. It has been so wonderful to see some of these great ideas already in action. A big thank you to Kate Tehan for assisting us in securing St Joseph's as a polling place for the impending election.  


The sustainable uniform shop crew have been busy washing, sorting and organising the uniforms ready for the first stall in 2025. Thank you so much for all your fundraising work that takes many days of your time. Thank you also to those families who have donated unwanted school items. The final total raised from sales this morning was $1639!


In more exciting news, we want to share with you that the P&F now has a dedicated fridge and freezer to use for your children's birthday cakes/icy poles/ice cream cakes! This also means we can store other cold items for fundraising such as the welcome picnic. We also aim to use the freezer so year 6's can sell icy poles to raise funds for their graduation. We would like to extend our thanks to the Tehan Family and Buick Family for donating and delivering these items. 


A working bee has been planned for Sunday 2 March in line with our first Open Day for 2025. Classes responsible for this working bee are Prep, 5's and 6's. This will be a general clean-up of the school after the storms.


Thank you so much to our wonderful community for a really great start to 2025. 


Laura and Talia