Careers Corner

Mrs Rachel Galvin

Careers News


I am very excited to have the Careers space up and running again for 2025. All students are very welcome to access the resources at the Careers desk, these include University handbooks, TAFE guides, and information from independent training providers. Each year group from 9-12 has a Google Classroom where relevant careers and pathways information will be shared, if you are not yet in your classroom, please join using these codes:


Year 12: ay2mptn (rolled over from 2024)

Year 11: cb6bt2j (rolled over from 2024)

Year 10: pa6bgxq (rolled over from 2024)

Year 9: 3cmiap7


Upcoming Dates for Year 12:

On the 24th of February, O’Connor will be hosting the University Roadshow for year 12 students. This presentation is an opportunity for ATAR and non-ATAR students to learn about pathways to tertiary study and living on campus. Universities in attendance are The University of New England, Charles Sturt University, University of Newcastle and Southern Cross University. 


The University of New England is holding their annual open day on the 2nd of May. Year 12 students will attend this event to engage with campus and college tours and engage with current students and faculty. More information about this excursion will be available on Compass over the coming weeks. 


This year, the Northwest Regional Careers Expo will be hosted by TRECC in Tamworth on the 14th of May. This event will see over 90 exhibitions from a range of industry, education providers and support networks come together to speak with our young school leavers. Year 12 O’Connor students will attend the exhibition, more information will be available on Compass prior to the event. 



Stage 5 Work Experience: 

At O’Connor, work experience is interest driven and student led. Student’s in years 9 and 10 are eligible to complete practical work experience throughout the year. Students should access information on this process on their Careers Google Classroom or by talking to Mrs Galvin. Things to consider before planning a placement:

  • Do I have any outstanding assessment or learning tasks?
  • Will I have any tasks due during my proposed placement dates?
  • How will I get to and from placement?
  • Will I be able to keep up with missed schoolwork?


Future Teachers Club:

Due to a number of stage 6 students expressing an interest in Primary and/or Secondary teaching in 2026, O’Connor is developing a Future Teachers Club (FTC) with the support of Dr Casey Mainsbridge from the School of Education at UNE. Students who opt into FTC will have the opportunity to explore first year content for University, develop lesson plans and put into practice their teaching skills. We look forward to seeing the growth of this club throughout the year and I also wish to acknowledge the contribution of Ms Natalie Mellowship in her role as Leader of Pedagogy for her commitment to our young aspiring teachers. Please see Mrs Galvin and keep a close watch on the daily notices to find out more! 


TAFE and School-Based Trainees

TAFE resumed for 2025 this week, all students who are commencing or continuing a TAFE course, will have received communication from your teachers regarding organisation and requirements. Please see me if you are unsure or have not heard from your teacher.