Wellbeing & E-Safety
Wellbeing & E-Safety
The students of 3/4LK have been developing their wellbeing by making new connections and new friends in our classroom, respectfully looking after each other and looking after our school environment. Students are proud to have class jobs such as refreshing our green waste bin, watering our class plants, returning library books and being class helpers. Having these responsibilities empowers our students to grow as individuals.
Alongside The Resilience Project, 3/4LK students planted new seedlings into the SJV garden beds and watered them with care. We practiced mindful drawing by sitting silently in the school garden and drawing the natural surroundings we could see. By being present, we can focus on tasks at hand. This skill of being present and focused can be transferred into everything we do in the classroom.
On Friday, Year 3/4 engaged in an e-Safety Webinar. Students were asked to reflect on their internet use. We learnt how to stay safe online, how to respect ourselves and each other and who to ask when help is needed. We sent home our activity worksheet so that students can discuss their learnings with their trusted adults at home.
Mrs. Lesur and Mrs. Khoo