Principal Post

Dear Families,
A Successful Start to Meet & Greet Interviews
A big thank you to all our families who attended yesterday’s Meet and Greet interviews! We appreciate your time and engagement in helping to foster strong communication between home and school. Meet and Greet interviews will continue this afternoon.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s class teacher as your first point of contact.
Thank you again for your continued partnership.
Upcoming School Closure Day Friday 7th March
This is a friendly reminder that there will be a SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY ON FRIDAY, MARCH 7th to enable our staff to participate in a professional learning day. The focus of this day will be building a knowledge-rich curriculum to enhance student learning and success.
We appreciate your support as we continue to strengthen our instructional practices.
School Photos
School photos were sent home this afternoon with your child. Enjoy!
Prayers for Pope Francis
May we continue to pray for Pope Francis for a full recovery as he battles his illness' in hospital. May we keep close to our hearts in prayer all who are unwell in body or mind.
Collection Notice for Parents
An email has gone out to all families today titled, Collection Notice for Parents / Guardians 2025 Student residential address and other information.
Please read and if there are any changes to your address please notify the school office by the end of the week please.
School Starts at 8:45am
Students thrive on routine! Be at school ready for learning by 8:45am
Gates open at 8:30am and classrooms at 8:40!
We want all students to begin confidently and be connected! Don't be late for the party!
Open Days
Our first Official Open Day is next
Monday 3rd March
9:15 and 10:15 tours!
Please tell your friends and neighbors!
Siblings need to be enrolled by the end of Term 1 using the link found on the website under the heading 'Enrolment'.
SJV Community Carnival
Raffle Tickets have gone home- please check satchels. Return to school when sold with the names and phone numbers on each stub sold.
Meeting online tomorrow Thursday 28th February at 7pm.
To join the video meeting, click this link:
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 727-637-0845 and enter this PIN: 261 208 312#
Saturday 29th March 2025
This event will be our major school fundraiser for 2025. If you think you can help in any way, please contact:
You will need a Working With Children Card if you are volunteering!
Shrove Tuesday
On the 4th of March the school will continue the tradition of Shrove Tuesday by sharing pancakes in classes. More information will be sent home.
Historically, for Catholics this day was originally the last chance for a spot of indulgence before 40 days of fasting. It was an opportunity to use up food that couldn’t be eaten during Lent. This included eggs, fat and milk, which were made into pancakes and eaten on that day.
GEM Awards
This week at assembly Patrick won an Empathy Award for always thinking about how others think and feel and making others smile!
Julie also won a Gratitude Award her friends are grateful for you and the joy you bring to school each day.
Resilience Project online Parents and Carers Information Session
Building Resilience at Home Webinar
Individually register for the webinar using this link. We will then send them the Zoom link and a calendar invite. Thursday, 13 Mar 2025 6:30pm
Harmony Day - Save the date
On the 21st March SJV is celebrating Harmony Day by empowering students to embrace diversity, build empathy and actively create a more inclusive and welcoming school environment, reinforcing the message that everyone belongs and each individual has the power to make a difference. On this occasion all our students dress up in a traditional cultural dress or wear orange. We are also inviting families to join us at 2.30pm for a parade and special dance.
Student Medication
Please note that no paracetamol can be administered to students by staff without a signed authorisation from a doctor. Please read your email sent earlier today.
Extended Leave / Absence
Reminder to please fill in a form available at Reception if any students/s are away for 5 days or more. This can also be emailed or put into your childs satchel.