Positive Behaviour for Learning

This week our whole school focus is demonstrating active listening everywhere and always. This focus aligns with our value 'Respect'.



  • It allows you to listen carefully to the person speaking
  • It shows you respect the person speaking and their words
  • It helps you understand what they're saying
  • It makes it easier to join in the conversation
  • Listening well helps you to retain information and perform better at school

Routines and mental health

Following basic day-to-day rituals and routines can help support your mental health.  

These could be as simple as eating a meal at the same time each day. Following the same method to complete a daily chore. Or preparing for sleep in the same way each night.   

Having routines for things can help reduce the build-up of stress. They can provide a sense of structure and rhythm. And in times of uncertainty, they can remind you that there are things within your control