This Week's Notes

Power of Poetry
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As we come close to the end of Term 2, teachers are finalising Semester One reports and their plans for Term 3.
This week, I chose my heading about poetry paying tribute to our students who achieved outstanding results at reciting poetry during the final week of Hamilton Eisteddfod. As an amateur poet and a teacher, I am a firm believer of the healing and educational powers of poetry. It not only helps students improve their language and reading skills but also helps with their self esteem and wellbeing. Hundreds of words and expressions in English come from poetry, ballads and sonnets by Shakespeare. This was also clear when I attended
and met one of the crime authors Colin King from Cavendish on Sunday at Hamilton Bookshop. Colin writes fictional crime stories which take place at local rural areas. What a great opportunity to purchase some books and learn about the local author and areas while supporting the local and the only bookshop who is run by a teacher as well.
During the pandemic, I learnt that poetry and reading helped many people cope with mental stress. This was also shown in the recent research study by Plymouth and Nottingham Trent universities published in Journal of Poetry. This study had over 400 people interviewed and found that poetry had positive impact on wellbeing during the pandemic.
When I saw Evelyn and Aria playing with their poetry medals on at lunchtime, I asked them whether they could recite their poems for me. They not only recited their poems about rural Australia but they let me see why they were so successful. They did not just recite their poems but they sang and lived them every time as they drew vivid pictures of rural pastures in my mind. They showcased their incredible expressions and dance movements.
Footy Champs
On Saturday morning, I was again lucky enough to go and watch our students compete at Footy and Netball competitions. Students put on such a spectacular game of footy that I
was in awe with some of the talents they displayed on the day winning the games and all the prizes. Jaxson Cross, Thomas Hurley and Cooper Leese were all awarded for their great performances. Go the Bloods!
Acting Principal at Macarthur
This week was also special with great news which I can now share with you all. I found out that I was successful in securing the position as an Acting Principal at Macarthur Primary School. The tenure will be from the start of next term until next year. On last Tuesday morning, I was able to meet and spend a couple of hours with staff, students and families.
Market Day next Friday
This term in Year 5-6 class, we learnt about Young Entrepreneurs where young people come up with a brilliant idea to make a product which they sell and make money. I have been involved in organising Market Days as part of Year 11 Business Management classes for a long time. This term, I met three times with our student leaders at Junior
School Council discussing ideas for fund raising and ideas for making our school a better place. This is when the idea of a Market Day was born. Students will practise their finance literacy and make the first step in becoming entrepreneurs for their community.
Here is how it will go. On next Friday, 28th June, Year 5-6 students in pairs or groups of three will set up their stalls in the stadium ready for lunchtime. All F-6 students will be able to bring along not more than 1-5 dollars to purchase goods and products made by Year 5-6s. Students will get to keep 10% from their profits and the rest will go towards the school garden.
All parents are invited. chool will finish at 2:30 pm on the day.
New Principal
Kate Steele, our new Principal will be attending school next Thursday to come and meet the staff and students.
Hot Dog Lunch
Parents Club have organised to have a hot dog lunch for the students next Thursday 27th June. If your child does not eat hot dogs they will need to bring their lunch as usual.
Casual Day - last day of Term - footy colours
The JSC are holding a footy colours day on the last day of Term 2. Could students please come dressed in their footy colours and bring along a gold coin donation if possible. The money raised from the day will go towards plants or items for the Environment Centre.
There has been a few cases of conjunctivitis at school the last week or so. Please keep a check on your children's eyes and treat if required. Conjunctivitis can be very contagious so to reduce the spread please make sure that you are not sharing towels or face washers etc., try not to rub your eyes and keep your hands clean.
Eisteddfod - Poetry Reading
Congratulations to Ivy, Maddie, Sienna, Ava, Aria and Evie on competing in the Hamilton Eisteddfod on Monday morning in the Poetry Recital Solo sections.
Evie Longcor came first and Aria Hill second in their 7 years and under section out of 6 entrants.
Sienna, Ivy and Maddie competed in the 9 years and under section with 10 entrants. Maddie received an honourable mention.
Ava competed in the 11 years and under section with 5 entrants and received an honourable mention.
Well done girls!
Yashar Duyal
Acting Principal