Senior School News

Year 10

Year 11 2025 Subject Selection 

With our inaugural Year 11 Subject Selection Evening scheduled for Thursday of this week, the busy reality of Year 10 continues. The College is very excited about meeting with parents and their families to discuss our first ever Year 11 offerings. Customised subject selection meetings will then occur over the next four weeks. To that end, the Parent-Student-Teacher interviews held on Tuesday July 23 have a crucial role to play. 

OLNA Results 

Earlier this week, the most recent OLNA results were circulated to relevant families. With many students demonstrating significant Literacy and Numeracy growth, we are very proud of our Year 10s for their efforts. These results play an important role in students’ subject selection. I would also like to acknowledge our teachers, who continually support our students’ growth.  

Salvado Catholic College: the bigger picture 

Being the College’s Head of Senior School, my primary responsibility lies with students enrolled in Senior School. It is important to remember, however, that our Senior School – currently only containing Year 10 students – is very much a microcosm of the bigger Salvado picture. 


K-12 schools possess a unique educational entity, one which I cherish. As the Senior School continues to grow, it is important that we continually remember and reflect upon our identity within a much larger community.  


On Wednesday of this week, we had our NAIDOC Mass. This was a beautiful event which emphasised how important it is that we embrace all aspects of difference within our community. A beautiful reminder of our K-12 identity was illuminated during this Mass. 


Students from a mix of year groups read the Responsorial Psalm. As this task involved both primary and secondary students, this in itself was a heartwarming symbol of our community’s identity. What really reminded the congregation of the bigger Salvado picture, however, were the actions of one of our Year 8 boys. Without prompting, whenever a younger peer went to the lectern to read, he deftly adjusted the microphone’s height. This beautiful metaphor showcased that in a thriving K-12 identity, our older students will work hard to help their younger peers find their voice. 



Quote of the Week:

With every newsletter entry, I include a quote of the week. This week, however, I would like to give this space to the words of Year 9 student, Lily Evans, who had written a trilogy of poems which give voice to our College motto: Peace, Justice & Compassion. I hope you enjoy these beautiful words. 



Peace, Justice, Compassion by Lily Evans


In the stillness of dawn's embrace, 

Peace whispers softly in the breeze, 

A gentle reminder of hope and grace, 

Guiding us through life's unease. 


It's the calm within the chaos, 

A sanctuary for the weary soul, 

A beacon of light in the darkness, 

A place where broken hearts find console. 


Peace is the song of a hummingbird, 

Dancing among the flowers' bloom, 

A melody that needs no word, 

A symphony that lifts the gloom. 


It's the quiet moments of reflection, 

The solace found in nature's embrace, 

A universal, timeless connection, 

A balm for the human race. 


Let us strive for peace in every way, 

In our hearts, our minds, our deeds, 

For in its presence, we find our way, 

To a world where all can be freed. 



In the corridors of time, Justice stands tall 

A beacon of truth, fairness for all 

Blindfolded she is, to see without bias 

Weaving through the chaos, seeking to right the injustices 


Her scales, delicately balanced, tip with precision 

Weighing the hearts with utmost decision 

No favouritism, no prejudice in her gaze 

Only a steadfast commitment to uphold righteousness' ways 


In the face of adversity, Justice stands strong 

A guardian of the weak, a voice for the wronged 

She speaks for the voiceless, the marginalised few 

Demanding equality, demanding what is due 


But Justice is not always swift, nor easily found 

She's a journey, a struggle, a battleground 

In the quest for truth, in the fight for what's right 

She's a beacon of hope, a guiding light 


So let us stand with Justice, let us stand with pride 

In the face of injustice, let our voices collide 

For she is the heart of a world torn apart 

And in her hands, lies the power to heal every heart 



In the quiet spaces between heartbeats, 

Compassion blooms like a fragile flower, 

Its petals soft and gentle, 

Embracing the world with tender grace. 


It whispers in the wind, 

Carrying the weight of sorrows, 

Lifting spirits high above the clouds, 

A beacon of light in the darkest night. 


Compassion sees beyond the surface, 

Into the depths of a wounded soul, 

Offering solace and understanding, 

A balm for the weary and the lost. 


It knows no boundaries, 

No limits or conditions, 

A boundless wellspring of love, 

Flowing freely from heart to heart. 


In moments of hardship and despair, 

Compassion stands steadfast, 

A guiding star in the vast expanse, 

A reminder of our shared humanity. 


May we nurture this gift within us, 

And let it guide our steps, 

For in compassion, we find meaning, 

In compassion, we find our truest selves. 



Mr Jason Meynell

Head of Senior School (Year 10)