Junior School News 

Year 3 to Year 6

Welcome Back to Term 3!

One area that our teachers are focussing on and developing is “differentiation” for our students to ensure that learning is being is meeting the students “where they are at”.


Students are individuals who learn at different rates and in different ways. These individual differences may influence how students respond to instruction and how they demonstrate what they know, understand and can do. Individual differences may include: 

  • cognitive abilities, including students’ current level of understanding and ability about a particular topic or skill; 
  • prior learning experiences; 
  • learning styles and preferences; 
  • motivation and engagement with learning; 
  • interests and talents. 

Through differentiated planning and programming, teachers can consider students’ varying abilities, learning styles, interests and needs. 


Differentiation is a targeted process that involves forward planning, programming and instruction. It involves the use of teaching, learning and assessment strategies that are fair and flexible, provide an appropriate level of challenge, and engage students in learning in meaningful ways. Differentiated programming recognises an interrelationship between teaching, learning and assessment that informs future teaching and learning. 



Differentiated programming:  

  • provides teaching, learning and assessment for learning experiences that cater for the diversity of learners so that all students can learn effectively ; 
  • provides alternative methods and choices for students to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and skills ; 
  • considers what resources and stimulus materials will assist students ; 
  • includes a range of activities and resources appropriate for students with different learning needs and levels of achievement ; 
  • promotes flexible learning experiences and encourages students to work at their own pace to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills;  
  • monitors student learning over time using evidence of student achievement to guide future teaching and learning opportunities;  
  • considers how individualised feedback to students can help identify student strengths and areas for improvement. 

Differentiated programming provides students with opportunities to:  

  • demonstrate, in different ways, what they know, understand and can do at different points of the learning cycle ; 
  • discuss with their teachers their preferred learning style and new ways of learning;  
  • explore, experiment and engage with the concepts and principles underpinning what they learn;  
  • develop higher order thinking and creative and critical thinking skills. 


The K–10 Curriculum Framework reinforces that teachers, schools and school authorities will decide how to maximise student learning. This principle assumes that: 

  • school communities and teachers require flexibility to develop programs, structures and pedagogical practices that meet the educational needs of their students and that challenge and extend students; and  
  • the assessment of student achievement will guide decisions on how learning can be improved for each student. 

The Junior School syllabuses are inclusive of the learning needs of all students. Particular advice about supporting students with special education needs, gifted and talented students, students learning English as an additional language and students learning Standard English as an additional dialect is included in the syllabus elements of each syllabus. 


Schools will make decisions about meeting the needs of the diversity of learners regarding documents and advice available from the Board of Studies and education sectors. 


Warm regards, 

Mrs Christine Pitman

Head of Junior School (Year 3 to Year 6)