Mission & Faith Life

NAIDOC Week Liturgical Celebrations

This week the Years 1-10 students celebrated NAIDOC Week with a Mass while the Kindy and Pre-Primary students participated in a NAIDOC Week Liturgy. Both liturgical celebrations followed this year's NAIDOC Week theme, Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud. 


Our College Patron, Rosendo Salvado, developed deep and abiding relationships with many indigenous people while serving at the mission in New Norcia. Inspired by Rosendo Salvado, our Catholic College community is also called to honour and support Indigenous Australians by acknowledging their history, embracing their contributions, and standing with them in solidarity in their quest for justice and equality. Our community strives to follow in the footsteps of Rosendo Salvado, guided by the light of Jesus Christ, to foster peace, justice, and compassion in our country.


Thank you to all of the students and teachers who helped during the liturgies, especially our Traditional Dance Group and our College Choir. A special thank you to Fr Robert Nixon OSB, from the Benedictine Monastery in New Norcia, who travelled all the way to our College to celebrate these special liturgical celebrations with us.


NAIDOC Week Prayer


God of all creation,

as we journey together in this Great Southern Land, We pray for healing, forgiveness, and unity,Creating a path of good will, with justice and compassion.



through the power of your love,You have given us the courage, wisdom, and strength To share our gifts and talents in humility.

In peace and understanding we reconcile with each other.


Creator Spirit

we come together in prayer and thanksgiving For the many blessings we have received.

Allow your Spirit to wash over us and give us strength to walk together as one.



Christian Service Learning

A reminder that Christian Service Learning continues this term.

  • Year 7 – Service in the Home (10 hours)
  • Year 8 – Service in the College (10 hours)
  • Year 9 and Year 10 – Service in the Community (15 hours)

Remember your child's hours can only be recorded if they are not asked to do the service and do not receive any reward for it.


Please remember that service hours need to be recorded in the student’s Christian Service Learning Booklet. These booklets will be collected at the beginning of Term 4 so that hours recorded can be included in End of Year Reports. 


Thank you, parents and carers, for your continued support of this important program. The students have participated with so much enthusiasm and are learning in a very practical way the value of helping others.


“The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.”

Matthew 20:28

Feast of St Mary Magdalene (22 July 2024)

The Church celebrates St Mary Magdalene because of the example of virtue and loyalty to Jesus Christ. She was a devoted disciple and close friend of Jesus during the time of his ministry, and one of the few who remained with Him during his agony on the Cross. 


Finally, she was one of the three women who went to anoint Jesus’ body in the tomb on Easter morning and discovering Jesus was not there. St Mary Magdalene became the first person to announce the Resurrection to others, when she went and told the Apostles that He had risen. – www.ewtn.com


Oil Painting – ‘Mary Magdalene’ by Carlo Dolci 

Pope Francis' Monthly Prayer Intention

In July, we pray for the pastoral care of the sick.



We pray that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick confer to those who receive it and their loved ones the power of the Lord and become ever more a visible sign of compassion and hope for all.





All-merciful Father, 

What a great mystery, the fragility of the body, the sickness that weakens us! 

How often we want to escape from this pain because we do not want to suffer or see suffering! We know that nothing makes sense without you, and that everything can be an occasion of grace, if it is with You. 

That is why, Lord, in the midst of sickness we want to be signs of compassion bringing strength to our brothers and sisters, with the grace of the anointing of the sick. 

We ask that your Holy Spirit renew in your entire Church and in our hearts, the profound meaning of this sacrament; so that we may accept it as a gift and task in the care of those who are sick, so that they may attain the peace and healing that you grant them. 



Please click here to read more about the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network and this month’s intention.