Student Wellbeing


Welcome back everyone!  I hope you have all had an enjoyable break and feeling refreshed to begin term 3 with much zest and vigor!


New beginnings always are a time to look ahead to see how we can try to make a change. I thought I would share with you a meaningful story to ponder. It epitomises how each of us, big and small are in a wonderful position to contribute in some small way to help our planet, in order to make a difference. 


The Tale of the Starfish



Moral of the story:

No act of kindness, regardless of how small it might seem, is ever wasted. Every time we make the decision to be kind and to help others, we have a positive impact on the world.  


The second point, and one which we should be encouraging our children to understand through discussion and their own observations of our modelling as adults is, you do not have to wait until you are ‘grown up’ to make a difference. 



How many starfish can you help over the coming days or throughout this term? 


Until next time 😊


Mrs Kerry Browne

Student Wellbeing Coordinator