Real Schools

Restorative Practices at BNPS


Our last TEAMs session for the term was held on Friday 14th June. The conversations centred on our school value of community. We watched a video about what community is. You can watch the video by following this link


All TEAMs completed a Traffic Light reflection about our school community.

The green light asked for suggestions from the students to help us build a stronger community at BNPS. Some ideas included more lunchtime clubs, more Zumba, open days for families to join in our learning, and opportunities for leadership across the whole school.

The orange was to celebrate all the things we already do well. The students had lots of great things to share, including TEAMs, assemblies, excursions, mini-fair, concerts, Celebrations of the Arts, sports days, dress-up days and the i-zone.


The red light gave the students a chance to reflect on the things that they wish were not happening or what makes it hard to be part of the BNPS community. The main points across most TEAMs were students wanting unkind behaviour to stop, learning time to not be interrupted and littering and disrespectful behaviour towards our school grounds and equipment to stop.


We are so proud of the honesty and reflective contributions of all students. Next term we will start unpacking how we can implement some of their suggestions to make the BNPS community as strong as possible.

Some examples of the completed Traffic Lights.