Principal's Message

Warmest Regards,
Dear Families,
Welcome to our Newsletter this week! Winter is well and truly upon us, and the days are becoming cooler.
Kismet Park Primary School - Greater Western Water’s (GWW) Thriving Communities Grant Success: This past week we had some fantastic news regarding the Greater Western Water’s Thriving Communities grant.
We are excited to announce that our school was lucky to have Josh Bull Sunbury MP visit Kismet Park Primary earlier this week to announce our school’s success in being 1 out of 24 local groups and organisations that will share just over $180,000 of funding through Greater Western Water’s (GWW) Thriving Communities grants and sponsorships program.
Our school will benefit from a $20,000 community grant to improve water sustainability resources and increase opportunities for students to connect with nature.
The funding will help with installing an additional rainwater tank, a new irrigation water pump, the development of our existing vegetable bed area and by creating a student safe place with new buddy benches in the existing Indigenous Garden.
Kismet PPS is overwhelmed with excitement about this exciting grant, and we look forward to completing this project over the coming 6 months.
“It goes without saying that Water is inextricably linked to the sustainable development of any school site and of a school community. Our dream is for water to have the value and respect it deserves at Kismet PPS. Through the development and improvement of our sustainable water resources at Kismet PPS we wish to ensure a healthy environment and a thriving school community. We wish to develop our existing Indigenous Aboriginal Garden area to be a site that brings students together so that both our community and our gardens can thrive, now and in the future.”
We are very grateful to Greater Western Water for this amazing opportunity, and we very much look forward to working and collaborating with the Greater Western Water team on this project.
AFL Schools Grants Program: In addition, we have been successful in receiving a grant application for $500.00 from the AFL Schools Grants Program to go towards our sports uniforms. This is fantastic for our school.
Friendly reminder regarding respecting our school property: It is with sadness that I am needing to communicate to all our families, parents/carers the need for conversations at home around respecting school property. Many of our students respect school property and ensure that care is taken with school property, however we have noticed some students not taking care with the use of our toilets, drinking taps and other property in general. Can we please ask that our parents/carers have a conversation with children about the need to look after our school property. Recently we have needed to make repairs to various areas of the school, for example our drinking troughs due to damage caused by sticks. Our collective efforts and support of our students in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Friday 28th June – Last Day Term 2: A friendly reminder that our last day for Term 2 is Friday 28th June. We will have our whole school assembly at 9am and will finish for the day at 2:30pm.
Warmest Regards,
Kathy Cvitkovic
‘Building the foundations for success and happiness’.