
Science Technology Engineering Arts Maths

We have had a great start to the term and our new unit on Sustainability in STEAM.


The Preps and Grade Ones and Grade Twos were introduced to our topic of Sustainability in week one and explored ways we can work towards having less of an impact on our environment. They completed a waste sorting activity and made decisions about the best places to take things for recycling. In week two the Preps and Grade Ones looked at sustainable and environmentally friendly products and conducted an experiment to create environmentally friendly weed killer out of vinegar, salt and dish soap. They then took to the yard to test their creation. Hopefully there will be a few less weeds around. In week two the Grade Twos emptied the scrap paper bin in the STEAM room and put its contents to good use by turning it into new sheets of recycled paper. First they tore the paper into tiny pieces and then blended it with water to create paper pulp before putting the pulp onto deckle screens to dry.

The Grade Threes and Grade Fours began our new topic by looking at whether rubbish really lasts forever and which waste lasts the longest. They sorted some difficult to recycle items and came up with some great suggestions of places we can take these items. In week two they looked at how using natural materials to make products is better for our environment and conducted an experiment to identify synthetic fibres versus natural fibres used in textile manufacturing. They took these findings and began work making biodegradable friendship bracelets.


In week one the Grade Fives shared their knowledge of what living sustainably means and looked at the impact humans have had on our planet in the short space of time we have been here in relation to the age of Earth. They came up with some great ways we can reduce our impact on the environment, sorted some difficult to recycle household items and created an extensive list of places we can take these items for proper recycling. In week two they looked at the Repair Cafe movement that started in Amsterdam where volunteers get together to repair broken items to reduce waste. They also looked at our very own Repair Cafe that happens here in Warrandyte. Check out the link here if you need an item fixed or maybe you could volunteer your own mending skills. The Grade Fives then practised their repair skills and learned to sew buttons onto fabric. So, if you lose a button you know who to see.


All Prep to Grade Five classes also looked at the Cyber Safety book Jack Changes the Game developed by the The Australian Federal Police (AFP) ThinkUKnow program in partnership with the AFP-led Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation (ACCCE). The book looks at how we can never really be certain of who online friends are, that we need to be careful what we share and say online and it is important to always tell a trusted adult if anyone makes us feel uncomfortable. Thanks to Kimberley Hall for providing this great resource.


Lego Club

Lego Club runs on Mondays during lunchtime in the STEAM room. Everyone is welcome! 



Kate Misra
