Senior School

What a terrific start we have had to Term 3 in the Senior School. We are impressed how quickly the students have settled back into their classroom routines and the work they are producing as a result.


We are excited to introduce 'Book Club' to our reading program, where students are grouped across the cohort, reading set chapters of a given book each week, analysing the text and having rich discussions with their group members. We look forward to sharing more with you as the term progresses.

Using Figurative Language to Enhance Writing

This past fortnight, our students have been busy writing poems, incorporating figurative language, such as metaphors, similes, personification & hyperboles. Figurative language is used to enhance writing and to allow the reader to create an image in their mind. We are 'proud as punch' of their efforts.

Bike Education

Every Thursday from Week 2, in Term 3, Grade 5 and 6 students will be participating in a Bike Education program.


The purpose of this program is to educate the students about safe riding habits, road safety and traffic rules. Students will be exposed to road signs and traffic interactions and scenarios they are likely to encounter when riding along a road. Simulations will be set up within the school grounds and when students have demonstrated an understanding of these traffic/road conditions, we will then head outside the school on various bike rides. 

For those parents that have not done so prior to the school holidays, please fill in the form on the link below, as this will give you an overview of BIKE ED and allow you to provide details of prior skills your child has about riding and road rules. 

Boys Netball Gala Day

Last week, on Thursday the 18th of July, a group of the 5/6 boys attended a Netball Gala Day at Our Lady of the Pines Primary School. Mr Smith and Miss Black went to help out the boys with coaching and umpiring the 18 minute games. The boys had a lot of fun using the skills that they had learnt in the netball clinics that they attended in the last week of Term 2.

Boys watching and supporting the other schools.
Boys watching and supporting the other schools.

Camp Marysville

Camp is just around the corner - 6 weeks to go!


For those who haven't yet had the chance, please don't forget to complete the necessary information about your child on the Compass platform for Camp Marysville. Ensuring all details are up-to-date is essential for their safety and well-being during the camp. Please log in to Compass and review your child's events, making sure all contact information, medical details, and any specific requirements are accurate and complete. Your timely attention to this matter is greatly appreciated.

Grade 6 to Year 7 Placements for 2025

All parents/carers  who recieved a State School offer of Acceptance for 2025, please ensure that you complete the Year 7 Placement Acceptance Slip and return to Mr Smith by Wednesday 7 August.