Foundation (Prep)

Welcome to Term 3!


We are starting this term with an Inquiry unit which focuses on the Olympics. The unit integrates reading, writing and inquiry. The first two weeks of our unit has covered the Olympic rings, symbols that we may see throughout the Olympics, Olympic mascots and research about this year's host Paris, France. We have learnt about the torch relay and discussed the opening ceremony.


English lessons have also focused on the letters /p/ and /y/, and introduced the students to personal learning goals. As the children progress in their writing, there are different aspects of writing that each needs to focus on to help them move forward in their learning. We have discussed that everyone has something to work on and that we just try and focus on our own goal.

1996/2000 Olympian - Natalie Harvey
1996/2000 Olympian - Natalie Harvey


Money has been our topic over the past two weeks. We have had fun playing shops, making price tags and familiarising ourselves with the different Australian coins. We have discussed when money is used in our daily lives and whether the children have experienced using money themselves. Students have also worked in a guided teacher group to learn more about the names of coins, their value order or added coins using skip counting, depending on their level of understanding. We have played games involving money and the children have used their knowledge and learnt from each other through imaginative play in class shops.

I hope everyone had a nice break over the school holidays. 


If I haven't already done so, I would like to introduce you to Miss Mietta Brusscher. Miss B, as the children know her, is from Deakin University and is completing her final teaching placement with Prep C over the next 23 days. Please help me make her feel welcome and say hello if you see her before or after school.


Have a great weekend!


Mrs Callaway