Mrs Mary-Jane Guest
Mrs Mary-Jane Guest
Catholic students in Year 3 have the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Penance for the first time and to make their First Holy Communion.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be on Thursday 5 September 2024 at 9:30am and First Holy Communion will be held on Sunday 8 September 2024 at 9:00am.
There will be two information sessions next week and families are required to attend one of the sessions. Tuesday 30 July at 1:00pm or 5:30pm. They will be held at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Children are NOT required to attend.
Further information about the Sacraments will be given out at the information sessions.
A few dates and information:
` Information Sessions – 30 July at 1:00pm or 5:30pm at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. It is very important that a family member attends this meeting.
` Enrolment – Enrolment into the sacramental programs will take place for HTS students at the week 2 school Mass, Friday 2 August at 9:30am.
Last term our Year 7 students were introduced to the Vinnies Service Medallion (VSM) Program. The VSM program offers a fantastic opportunity for students to engage in meaningful community service activities, develop valuable life skills, and earn formal recognition for their efforts.
VSM is an opt-in program, if you would like your Year 7 child to be involved, please scan the QR Code and fill in the form.
This term our Year 10 students will be involved in the Life Essentials Program by Alpha Youth. Life Essentials is a collection of short videos filmed and produced in Australia, designed for teenagers to spark faith conversations with friends. Each episode explores topics around identity, purpose, belonging & faith
Please note that school Mass times are now 9:30 am at Sacred Heart Church. Please remember that hot beverages should not be brought into the church.
5:30 pm Saturday evenings (Winter months)
9:00 am Sunday mornings
Tuesday 30 July
- First Holy Communion Information Meetings at SHC - 1:00pm or 5:30pm
Friday 2 August
- 4WL Mass 9:30am at SHC
First Communion Enrolment
Friday 9 August
- Year 9 Mass 9:30am at SHC
Friday 16 August
- KS Prayer Celebration 9:30am at SHC
Friday 23 August
- No Mass
Friday 30 August
- Father's Day Breakfast
Tuesday 3 September
- CLD Year 8
Wednesday 4 September
- CLD Year 9
Thursday 5 September
- First Reconciliation
Sunday 8 September
- First Holy Communion
Friday 13 September
- 1M Prayer Celebration 9:30am at SHC
Friday 20 September
- 6T Mass 9:30am at SHC
First Holy Communion
Sunday 8th September at 9am
Enjoy your week,
God Bless
Mary-Jane Guest
Religious Education Coordinator