R.E. News

Sacrament of Confirmation
Congratulations to Kara, Alexandra, Lyndelle, Marcus, Finlay, Lucas, and Jonathan who were confirmed on Wednesday, June 19th, at Queen of Peace Church!
Confirmation is a significant sacrament in the Catholic Church, which marks the culmination of the Sacraments of Initiation. This sacred rite represents the fourth step in a Catholic's spiritual journey. During the ceremony, Bishop Martin Ashe bestowed the gifts of the Holy Spirit through the traditional laying of hands and anointing with holy oils.
Thank you to all our St Martin de Porres staff and the Preca Community for their help in supporting the students in the lead-up to this day.
A big thank you especially to Jane aour school choir and band who provided the music for the mass. We also thank the sponsors and families of the recently confirmed students for their support and guidance and for making this a reverent and special occasion for all our students.
We are very proud of all of our students who were confirmed and congratulate them on reaching this special milestone in their faith journey.
Lucas Mangani
RE Leader