Principal's Message

I'm sure that at some time in the last few weeks you have said "Where has the year gone?"
We're racing through June and we have nearly completed our first semester of school. Our Preps have settled into school routines and I'm sure that they have grown a couple of centimeters already this year. The Year Six students are shooting up as well and seem not only to be that little bit taller but also more self-assured.
Our growth has not just been in stature, it has been in learning as well. Over the past weeks the teachers at St Martin de Porres have been working on producing reports for all of our students and feedback will be given tonight and tomorrow at our Three Way Learning Conversations.
At SMDP, we strive to give you a considered view of your child's achievement. In some cases the growth has been considerable, in others, a little slower but just as we know that children have growth spurts at different times, the same can be said about learning. We don't all catch on at the same rate, for some it takes a little more effort than others, but what is more important is that our students are trying their best.
So where to from here?
Sometimes it is the little things that make a difference; extra reading before bed time, discussion of current affairs, outings and rich experiences, building vocabulary, talking time out with busy parents, less screen time, being encouraged to be independent or to use initiative.
There is so much more involved in educating children than the tasks assigned at school. We want our students to be well rounded and to be able to make a positive contribution as worldly citizens. We know that when our students are encouraged and supported, when education is valued and attendance is regular, we have a better chance at making a difference.
As we conclude Term 2, it is hard to believe that half of the year is nearly over. However, if we look back to what we have achieved this term, the list is long – Mother’s Day stall and breakfast, Senior Inter-School Sports, excursions, Confirmation, 2025 Prep Enrolments, Yr 5/6 and Yr 3/4 Camps - just to name a few!
I hope everyone enjoyed reading their child’s report over the week and you have made time for further feedback from our Three Way Learning Conversation.
Next term we welcome back Sarah to our Yr 1/2 learning community. Sarah will be returning soon from her trip home to Ireland.
We are extremely grateful to Olivia Allan for taking the class this term. Her dedication, professionalism and warmth during this time was exceptional and we hope to have her back here soon.
After working as a LSO while studying her teaching degree, Alli Fisher, will begin Term 3 as a registered teacher. She will be working in an intervention role supporting students who need extra support or extending. Well done Alli.
Caoimhe sends everyone her love, as she settles into her new role as a mum. Baby Grace Erin was born earlier this term. Both her and Jason are enjoying being new parents. We all know what a special mum Caoimhe will be.
Finally, Lauren, our Yr 3/4 teacher had some exciting news during the term. Lauren and Pat announced their engagement! They are now busy planning their marriage date and a loving future life together. We wish them all the best during this special time.
Finally, we sadly say goodbye to Fr John. This is his last weekend at Holy Trinity Parish before he starts in his new role as Parish Priest at Woodend/Gisborne. It has been a pleasure to work with John during my time here. Not only is he a true leader and role model of our Catholic faith, he is a genuinely good man. He will be missed.
Next term we warmly welcome Fr Binh Le to our parish community.
Wishing everyone a happy, safe and restful holiday. These holidays are a great opportunity for staff and students to re-energize those batteries after a busy and cold term.
See you all next term. God Bless.
Dan Ryan
St Martin de Porres Primary School is committed to creating an environment where the safety, well-being, and participation of all children within our care is paramount.
2024 - School Closure Days
Listed below are our school closure days for 2024. These are student-free days. Staff use these days to develop their learning further and keep informed with current practices and procedures.
Friday 28th June | Learning Conversations |
Monday 4th November | Report Preparation and Writing Day |
Friday 6th December | Whole School Planning Day for 2025 |
NOTE: These dates may be subject to change that may be outside of our control.