
Term 3 in Review
Do you believe it has been over nine months since Pastor Greg left us to start his next ministry journey. Our vacancy team have been looking for pastors to call, and after submitting one name and subsequent call, we find ourselves still in vacancy after a decline response. We still have our regular church services led by 6 of our young adults, plus two members of our church have been "licenced" by the LCA to consecrate communion elements for services. We thank those Pastors who visit us now and then bringing us messages - thanks for their dedication and service.
During term 3, we saw plenty of activities from Messy Music Playgroup, Ignite Youth, Arise Youth, Young Adults, Connect Groups, Café, Messy Church and Ping Pong a Thon.
Term 3 for Café Connect was a very successful period. Over the last few months, we saw plenty of patronage highlighting the wonderful connections we have with our community and beyond. Last term, we offered every family from Wynn Vale Primary School a free drink voucher with many taking up this offer. Although only around ten percent of vouchers have been redeemed, we welcomed these school families to our café and hopefully, the word will spread of our services. The new entrance has been beneficial to our café, and with new signage and flag, we have seen public members coming off the street to try us out.
Our biggest issue we have at this moment is volunteer numbers. Over the term, we have had to close the doors a number of times due to not having anyone available to operate the café. If you would like to help us out or know of someone who who like to learn a new skill, please let Robert know in the church office. Positions are flexible and training is provided - this a great and rewarding service to our community!!
Please keep the café & volunteers in your prayers.
Ping Pong a Thon
Sports Day Bake Sale Term 2 - Arise youth fundraiser ($578 raised)
Ignite Youth - Masterchef
Arise Youth - Movie Night
Colin Buchanan Term 2
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