Principals Message

Dear families,
It is hard to believe that we are into the final week of the semester, and what a big semester it has been!!
This week, our teaching staff have finalised writing reports for the children in their classes. It was an incredible experience to have the opportunity to proof-read them and gain a better understanding of how the children are growing academically and developmentally. What stood out to me was how well the teachers understand the children and their learning preferences as well as how hard the children have been trying. A testament to themselves, their families and the staff.
Reports will be live on Simon Everywhere at the end of the day on Thursday. Please note that there have been changes to the way in which growth in Mathematics is reported in line with the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. Please see my letter regarding these changes further into the newsletter.
At the end of this term, we say goodbye to Jo Horton who will finish up her time at St. Mary’s for now as her and Riley await the arrival of their third child. Jo has been an amazing support for both our teachers and the students this semester and she will be sorely missed.
Hailey Wilson will be taking on an additional day to cover Jo’s leaving.
Courage and Crowns
Next term, we have secured the services of the team from Courage and Crowns who will be coming in to work with our Year 4-6 girls. Courage and Crowns are workshops for girls to learn about self-love, self-worth and high standards. The sessions will take place on Monday 29 July during class but there will then be a follow on session for Parents/carers (Female) to work with their daughters or female family members. I urge all families to take up this opportunity. More information to come.
Child Safe/OH&S
You may have seen new signage going up around our school which looks especially smart. The majority of the signage is in regards to our commitment to Child Safety and OH&S and some is simply because it looks nice.
If you, or your children, ever have a Child Safety concern, do not hesitate to come and speak with myself or any member of staff.
We continue to strive for 95% attendance for all students. Research has found that good school attendance is linked to higher academic achievement. Regular presence boosts learning and engagement, setting the stage for future success.
Once again, I thank you for your ongoing support and please come and see me if you have any queries or concerns.
I wish you all a safe, happy and Holy term break.
Vin Ryan