Seedlings & Warekila

We've had a fun and busy term, filled with exciting activities and a strong focus on community! The children have LOVED our weekly community walks where we could explore different businesses and playgrounds in the area. A highlight was our visit to Gemma's cake shop where the children loved picking out, paying for and enjoying a delicious cupcake (We highly recommended a visit to Melbourne Cake Studio!).
This term, we have also been diving into the whimsical world of Dr. Seuss. We started with The Lorax, sparking thoughtful discussions about caring for our environment. The fun continued with Wacky Wednesday, leading to a crazy dress-up day where the children arrived to find furniture upside down, shoes on the wall, and everything a little bit wacky!
We have recognised the children’s love for books and we've encouraged creativity and literacy by writing our own stories this term. These stories have been a joy to read and share, showcasing the ideas and creativity of each child.
Some other experiences we enjoyed this term are Buddy visits, Prep Classroom visits, cooking experiences, dress up days, STEM activities and more!
Overall, it's been a term full of learning, laughter, and community connections. We're excited to see what the next term brings!
At Warekila, we've been actively involved in growing, harvesting, and preparing food. We grew mushrooms, which we used to make delicious mushroom pizza and pasta dishes. We also gathered lemons and made lemon slices. Drawing inspiration from "Possum Magic," we indulged in making lamingtons as well.
After learning about money, we took a trip to Toast Cafe where we ordered babychinos. Tim generously treated us to a lolly as a reward for making the hike up to the cafe.