Whitehorse PS Alumni Page

Dear Parents/Carers,
Each newsletter we will be highlighting some former students to get their insights into their time at Whitehorse Primary School. We hope you enjoy!
What is your name?
Pascale Balog
When did you graduate from Whitehorse PS?
I graduated from Whitehorse Primary School in 2020
Which teachers do you remember?
The teachers I had were Mrs Cotroneo, Mrs Oldland, Mrs Avery Mr Mujie and Mrs Hume
What is your favourite memory of being at Whitehorse?
My favourite memory at Whitehorse Primary was running for a leadership role in Grade 5 and being in charge of assemblies in Grade 6. I also loved Funfields at the end of Grade 6.
What advice would you give to yourself if you were still in Primary School?
Some advice I would give to myself if I was still in Primary School would be to get into good study habits from a young age because it will make High School much easier.
Where are you studying now?
I am a Year 10 student at Doncaster Secondary College.
What do you hope to do in the future?
In the future I hope to become either a paralegal secretary or a personal assistant.