Teaching and Learning

Active Schools
Our final session of gymnastics is today. Our students have enjoyed the past five weeks of gymnastics instruction, learning new skills, gaining confidence and further developing their strength, endurance and coordination.
P-2 News from Miss Duffy
Our class has been enjoying participating in our very own Potato Olympics over the past two weeks. The students had to select a potato, name it and decorate it. We then set about having our potato athletes compete in a range of events such as weightlifting, gymnastics, running and diving. Students had to measure the distance, time or mass of their athlete and we then ranked them according to their finishing positions- with our first three place-getters awarded gold, silver and bronze medals. The Potato Olympics had a practical mathematics focus and the students have absolutely loved taking part in this initiative.
News from Ms Roediger
Ms Roediger has been working with the Prep -Two students to teach them about weather, temperature and how to read a thermometer. The students enjoyed making their own scales for a thermometer and demonstrating what they know about temperature.
Year 3-6 News from Mr Collins
The day finally came! After selecting their vegetable athletes, naming them, making a profile and then designing their own outfit to compete in, the opening ceremony commenced. The kids then designed their own sport that the vegetables could compete in. Each student was in charge of collecting the results from the competitions so that all data could be collated for a final vegetable champion. I have kept the results from them at the moment, but the reveal is coming soon.
Art News from Miss Duffy
The students have thoroughly enjoyed stitching pictures and patterns onto hessian over the past two weeks as part of our unit on Textiles. Each student had to come up with their own unique design to hand-stitch using coloured wool. They worked hard to learn the skills of threading a needle, tying knots, basic stitching and backstitching. They are so proud of their works of art.