From the Office

News From the Principal
Melbourne Museum Excursion
Our whole school excursion to Melbourne last week was a great success. Our students travelled by train from Bendigo to the city and then caught a tram to the Melbourne Museum. The students toured a number of galleries and were able to look at, learn from and interact with a countless number of exhibits. We visited the Bugs Alive area and were able to learn all about various minibeasts, we also toured the Dinosaur Gallery where the students marveled at the huge skeletons. The Indigenous Australia Gallery was very interactive and students were able to look at and learn about different artefacts, language, ways of life and crafts. Our students loved the Melbourne Gallery which housed Pharlap and lots of artefacts from days gone by such as a gramophone, a printing press, a carriage and even an old roller coaster carriage. The chance to explore two garden areas also gave our students the chance to learn about bush tucker and the natural environment. Our students are to be commended on their wonderful behaviour whilst travelling and touring.
Special Lunch
Elliot's mum, Sophie has kindly offered to organise a Special Lunch for our students on Wednesday August 21st. We hope to be able to do this a couple of times each term. The August Lunch is tacos. Students will be able to select from a range of toppings to "load up" their tacos. Students do not have to participate in this lunch and are still able to bring along their lunch as they normally would. Those who do wish to order are asked to return the slip along with $4 (cash only please) by Friday August 17th ( so that Sophie knows how many she is catering for and we can purchase the groceries).
Bendigo Gallery Excursion
We have secured a school's booking at the Bendigo Gallery to view their Indigenous
Artworks as well as work with the educator at the gallery. This excursion will take place on Tuesday 27th of August- it will not affect student arrival and departure times. There is no cost to this excursion. Please log into uEducateus to sign the permission form.
Parent, Caregiver and Guardian Opinion Survey 2024
A reminder to each family that we would really appreciate you taking 20 minutes to complete this survey about your thoughts on your child/ren's education. The data will be important to demonstrate to the Education Department, that although our school is very small, that our families are supportive and interested in their child's education. This survey is open until August 30th. If you have misplaced your log in details please contact Lisa.
As of today we have had a 67% response rate from our families and we would really like to get to 100% to show that our families are invested in their child's education and want our school to continue to thrive, grow and improve.
Cluster Athletics
Our students have been training for this event which will take place on Friday August 23rd at the Bendigo Athletics Centre. This event is for Years 3-6 only and will see our students compete alongside their peers from the other five Campaspe Small Schools Cluster. There is a permission form on uEducateus for parents to sign. Students attending sports on this day will need a packed lunch. Mr Collins and Ms Roediger will accompany our students, whilst Miss Duffy remains back at school with the Year P-2 students.
End of Term
I know this is quite a few weeks away yet, but I thought it worth giving some advanced notice. At the end of term we invite all students (and staff) to wear footy colours and bring along a gold coin. All funds will be donated to the official footy colours day fundraising event which raises funds for children living with cancer- a very worthy cause.
Students do not have to wear football clothing and we are certainly not expecting families to go out and purchase clothing especially for this event. Students can wear any clothing that represents the colours of their choice of team. Scarves, beanies, stripy socks and ribbons could also be used to represent your team of choice.
We will also be serving a footy themed lunch (party pies, sausage rolls and mini- hotdogs) for the students to enjoy. This will be the final day of pie warmer for 2024 as it only operates in Terms 2 and 3 when the weather is cold.
That's all for this week- Lisa Duffy
Message from Bree in the office
Audrey Felini is collecting clean, empty Mini M&M tubes from now until October. If you have any, please send them to school. These will be used for our end of the year Christmas sessions that Audrey runs for our students.