Music Department News

Decibels Music - Performance 

Another Exciting Month in Our Music Department!

On Thursday 25th July, we were thrilled to welcome some incredible bands to our school, courtesy of Decibels Music.


After our very popular sausage sizzle, we enjoyed performances by two bands, "Hot Milk Machine" and "The Noise". It was a really special experience for our students. Some students were so excited after talking to the band members that they could barely speak!


Located above the Reservoir Library, Decibels Music is part of Darebin Youth Services and provides free access to professional recording equipment and various music industry programs for young people aged 12-25. 

Special thanks to Rachel Farmer, our Music Captains Vivien Tang and Rick Nevrous and our student contact at Decibels, Henry Nguyen, for helping to organize the event.


An Exciting New Addition to our Performing Arts Centre: A Grand Piano!

We are delighted to share that our Performing Arts Centre will soon feature a grand piano, a fantastic addition that will greatly benefit our Performance Arts department. The Alex Steinbach piano will provide students with further opportunities to enhance their performance skills, allowing them to play an instrument that truly supports their musical growth.


We would like to extend thanks to Mr. Daniel Luttick and Ms. Tegan French for their efforts in researching and acquiring this wonderful piano. 


We’re excited about hearing the music our students will create with this new addition!



Warm regards,

Reservoir High Music Team.