Senior School Report 

Senior School News

Dear Reservoir High School Community,

As we approach the midway point of Term 3, the excitement and anticipation are palpable across our Senior School. With several significant milestones and events behind us, and many more on the horizon, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on our students' achievements and the hard work they’ve been putting in.


Year 12 Fundraising Success

Our Year 12 students recently demonstrated remarkable initiative and teamwork by organizing a school-wide lunchtime food sale. The event, held last week, was a tremendous success, with students planning and operating stalls that offered a variety of delicious options, including sushi, spring rolls, bubble tea and more. Not only did this event bring together the entire school community, but it also raised much-needed funds for our Year 12 graduation caps. We are incredibly proud of the students who took the lead on this project (Tiffany, Thu, Isabel, Long and Trung) and we are also grateful to everyone who supported this cause.


VTAC Applications and Exam Preparation

With the end of the year fast approaching, our Year 12 cohort is fully immersed in their VTAC applications. This process can be both exciting and daunting, as students make crucial decisions about their future educational pathways. Our Senior School Team has been working closely with students to ensure they have the guidance and support needed to navigate this important time. Alongside this, our Year 12s are diligently preparing for their upcoming exams. We encourage them to maintain their focus and make the most of the resources available to them as they work towards their final assessments.


Year 11 Course Counselling

Our Year 11 students have also been busy this term, undergoing course counselling to select their final subjects for VCE. This is a critical step in their academic journey, as the choices they make now will shape their future studies and career opportunities. We have been impressed by the thoughtful consideration our students have shown in making these decisions, and we are confident that they are setting themselves up for success in their final years at Reservoir High School.

As always, we are here to support our students through these pivotal moments and we encourage them to reach out if they need any additional assistance or advice. The dedication and enthusiasm of our Senior School students continue to inspire us, and we look forward to celebrating their ongoing achievements as we move towards the end of the year.


Thank you for your continued support.


Andrew Lewis

Senior School Leader Reservoir High School