Outside the Classroom

Year 9 Camp
Overall we had a fantastic time on camp participating in many activities all around Sydney! We visited Bondi where some people met Sabre Norris and participated in surfing lessons. We attended a tour at the Opera House, visited Scenic World, and much more!
We got to go to Taronga Zoo and also go on a boat on the harbour and visit the Sydney Eye Tower. We all had a great time at our activities and spending time with our friends during the day and during the night spent our time at the park and on the rooftop.
Daisy D
Year 7 Waterwatch Excursions
Year 7 students have been getting out and about on the Merri Creek. They are currently studying the creek as a case study of an urban waterway. During this term, classes have been participating in hands-on waterwatch activities run by Melbourne Water and the Merri Creek Management Committee, including analysis of the water quality. They have also been honing their geography fieldwork skills through observations up and down the creek. Students will use the data they have gathered in their upcoming inquiry project on the creek.
Jaan Butler
Year 11 Literature
On Tuesday September 2nd, the Year 11 Literature class immersed themselves in First Nations storytelling as part of the Voices of Country area of study. The class first visited NGV Australia for a lesson from the education officer and looking at Art from the gallery's Wurrdha Marra collection. Students critically unpacked the ideas of the art much like they will the poetic works we will study in this Unit. They then had the opportunity to explore the gallery's vast array of Indigenous Art. After lunch, the class then went on a guided walk along the Yarra with the Yaliguth app, hearing from Wurundjeri Elders and other important figures about life along the Yarra from Enterprise Park to Birrarung Marr.
Alison Godfrey
Basketball Academy
Our Year 7/8 boys and girls of the Coburg High Basketball Academy attended the HSBN tournament at Broadmeadows Stadium on the 12th of September along with three other school in the Network. Our boys and girls teams demonstrated positive attitudes, great sportsmanship and amazing team work which in result prevailed our junior boys to win the tournament! Term 3 has been amazing for our juniors. They showed growth in their work ethic every training and brought a great sense of joy and pride to each session! I'm already looking forward to what Term 4 has in store for our Academy!
Our Intermediate/Senior boys & girls of Coburg Basketball Academy attended the HSBN tournament at Broadmeadows Stadium on the 16th of September along with 3 other schools from the network. I was very pleased with the Academy players attitudes as they were super supportive of each other and displayed positive attitudes the entire day. The teams were coming together and showing unwavering chemistry during the game play. Although our intermediate boys lost in the GF by 2 points it was amazing to see the other Academy teams come together and cheer on the intermediate boys with pride! Today was a beautiful day for Coburg Basketball Academy and I'm looking forward to what term 4 will bring as our Academy Athletes displayed great effort during Term 3.
Coach Michael Fortune
R U OK? Day
On September 12th, Coburg High School came together to mark R U OK? Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about mental health and encouraging open conversations among students and staff.
The day started on a sweet note as our Wellbeing Team handed out delicious cookies to students, lovingly baked by the Food Tech students earlier in the week.
At recess, students took part in a fun lolly hunt, while the staff enjoyed a morning tea filled with treats and activities to promote connection and reflection.
At 1pm, we were privileged to welcome Rachel Jones from Beyond Blue, who shared her personal journey with mental health and recovery. Rachel’s honest and inspiring talk resonated deeply with students, reminding everyone of the importance of checking in on each other and offering support.
To finish the day, our Wellbeing Team hosted a sausage sizzle at lunchtime. For a gold coin donation, students and staff enjoyed a BBQ with all proceeds going to R U OK? Day, further supporting mental health awareness.
Thank you to everyone who participated, contributed, and helped make the day a meaningful one for our school community.
Sasha Martin
Wellbeing Team Leader
Operation Newstart
Operation Newstart is a great program that aims to grow your skills as a leader through fun activities and experiences. Throughout this program, me, Charlotte, Grayson, Annabelle and Jessica, as well as 4 kids from Hume Central, did activities such as camps in the city and a more rustic camp, rock climbing, a CPR course and assisting English language students with new knowledge on things such as aquatic animals and related vocabulary. Along the way, you'll meet great people and make new friends. This program has given me more confidence in my people skills and how to be a leader.
Noah K
Model UN
CHS are proud to have hosted the Model United Nations again, welcoming four local schools to join us. This year's topic was Ocean Conservation. We would like to congratulate all of the participants for showing leadership not just for our school community but for the future of democracy.
Unlike many other events Model UN is never a competition, but rather a day-long collaborative debate on pressing topics in the world. As it is always hosted by a UN affiliated person with diplomatic background, it is formally structured to represent the day in a General Assembly, dividing the day into opening statements, formally debating the resolution and a final vote for the amendments, leading to heated debates between developing and developed nations over the ocean preservation initiative. This resulted in many memorable highlights, such as debates over the South China Sea between China and Vietnam, mutual accusations and arguments between Croatia and United States over the funding towards the resolution, and many many more moments of both conflicts and collaboration within a debate. As Model UN focuses on representing the country's position it requires extensive prior research and careful positioning within a debate, making it one of the best debating opportunities available.
Nik Z
Congratulations to our Year 7 and Year 8 B teams for their fantastic performances in the interschool futsal tournament! Year 7 secured a strong second place with the incredible guidance of their Year 9 coach, Jai. Similarly, the Year 8 B team also finished as runners-up, thanks to Coach Tate Forster's dedication. Tamana and Guilia made an excellent effort in Year 8 to step up to the Year 9 and 10 team. And Missy and Thalia in Year 7 for stepping up to the Year 8 A-Team. We're proud of your teamwork and achievements! Thank you to Kemda in Year 9 and teacher, Tate Forster for all their hard work.
Zhanet Zyka
Year 7 & 8 Boys Basketball
On Thursday the 19th of September, our Year 7 and 8 Boys Basketball Teams competed in the Divisional Round Robin Tournament at Coburg Basketball Stadium.
Such was the popularity of Basketball at Coburg High that we were able to enter two teams across each of the year levels, being a 7A team coached by Matteo, a 7B team coached by Ben, an 8A team coached by Matt and an 8B team coached by Ahmad.
The final results were:
7A finished in first place and will progress to the Regionals next term, 7B finished in second place, 8A finished in first place and will progress to the Regionals next term, and 8B finished in third position.
Today was the Year 7 Interschool Basketball sport day. The boys all came with an amazing attitude apart from a few. They all had smiles from start to finish and showed teamwork and enthusiasm all day. Well done boys, I can’t wait for the next round.
The boys all put in so much effort and joy, which made my day better. They showed confidence on the court and put their all in from start to finish, showing great teamwork and enthusiasm. Well done boys!
The boys played amazing. They showed encouragement and confidence on and off the court. Proud of my group of boys and looking forward to winning regionals soon.
I am proud of these boys, they played their
Hearts out. They played every game out with love and passion. I hope to coach the boys in the year to come.
Special thanks to each of the student coaches for their enthusiasm and dedication throughout the entire term supporting and developing the boys in weekly training sessions. A massive shout out also to Blayze and Finn for volunteering to score throughout the tournament.
Kylie Saccone & Chris Sanding