Principal's Report

Year 9 Camp
Students in Year 9 at Coburg High have traditionally headed south to Tasmania for their Year 9 camp. For 2024 we decided to move the location to Sydney, and speaking to School Council member Noah of Year 9 earlier this week it was a good move. Outside of some issues with the food (which we will look to fix for next time) he spoke glowingly of the new camp experience, with students enjoying the new activities including visits to Bondi Beach, the Blue Mountains and Sydney Harbour. He also reported that students were very well behaved and this view too was supported by reports from our staff. Well done Year 9s!
My big thanks to Year 9 Leader Samara Harris, Year 9 Student Support Leaders Dominik Rafati and Kelly Harper and Assistant Principal Melanie Buscema-Moore for the huge amount of organisation, preparation and leadership in preparation and during camp. My thanks to staff members Rob, Tate, Julian, Maria, Ivy, Daria Mia, Olivia, Abbey, Brooke, Chris, Nait and Ed who gave up their family time to be with our students.
Technology Building
Earlier this month we had the announcement of the appointment of a builder for our Technology Building, with Monaco Hickey being the successful contractor. Our local MP, Anthony Cianflone visited the school to celebrate this milestone, along with two of our Student Voice Leaders Lucy and Maggie, members of our Robotics Club Bernardo and Adlai, Rob from Monaco Hickey, Richard from Bryant Alsop Architects and Lawrence from Essence Project Management.
Anthony also made mention of this in a speech to parliament, see below:
Works have begun and we anticipate will ramp up across the holidays. The banner photo at the top of this page is one of the renders, showing what we hope to see in 15 months' time.
Unit 4 Music Night
On Wednesday 11 September the Unit 4 Music students performed their repertoire for their upcoming Unit 3/4 performance exams. The music was excellent! A big thanks to the Unit 3/4 teacher, Anna Berlingeri, ably supported by our IM Coordinator Luke McIvor. See below for a brief snippet of some of the evening:
Biketober Merri-bek
We know that many members of our school community are keen bike riders, which is good for physical and mental health and the planet. We have teamed up with Merri-bek City Council to be part of Biketober Merri-bek to encourage bike riding during October, with the chance to win big prizes, including bikes, holidays, spa vouchers and other vouchers (
Sign up before October 1 and go into a draw to win a $3000 bike. With the Love To Ride app (Apple or Android), you can track your rides throughout the month of October for the competition.
How to sign up:
Go to . When you sign up, choose 'Coburg High School' as your workplace.
Parents' Association
Over time, a school acculumates a lot of stuff, and that stuff needs to be stored somewhere! A big thanks to our wonderful Parents' Association who have purchased for the school an additional shipping container for the storage of things like our mowers, exam tables and all manner of other important odds and ends!
Look out for details of the next big PA events in Term 4 - a Bunnings BBQ in early November and Coburg on the Green in early December - and please support with either your time or funds.
Thanks Geoff
Geoff Jennings is a familiar face to all CHS staff and many students and families as our Maintenance Officer. We celebrated Geoff with a morning tea this week to thank him for over a decade of wonderful service. Our beautiful grounds reflect Geoff's fantastic dedication to our school across this time, and he will be sadly missed. Thanks Geoff!
Brent Houghton