General Information

Father's Day

Thank you to all the Dads & Grandfathers that have sent in an RSVP for our Father's Day Breakfast. We look forward to seeing you this Friday!


Cancellation - Dance Extravaganza 2024

Unfortunately, our Dance Extravaganza set down for later in the term has been cancelled. Aleeta Northey - the professional dance choreographer who was assisting us to choreograph a dance routine for each class has sustained a work related injury and has had to cancel her visit to St Joseph's. We are hoping the Dance Extravaganza will go ahead in 2025.

School Survey

An annual satisfaction survey of parents, students and staff will be conducted on behalf of all Catholic schools in the Diocese this term. The surveys are designed to gather feedback from parents, staff and students about our school and will be used to inform school improvement. Responses are confidential, and individuals can not be identified. The surveys will be launched via email today, Monday, 26 August 2024, using the email addresses supplied to the school. If you do not receive an email with a link to the survey, you can access and complete the survey via the following link.  


The survey will close on Wednesday, 4 September 2024.

P&F Meeting

The next P&F meeting will be held Tuesday 15th October at 5:30pm in the staffroom. All parents and friends are welcome to attend. 

Hair and Uniform Reminder

A reminder that patterns shaved into hair, dyed hair or 'rat's tails', 'horsey', undercuts or mullets are not permitted at school. Children with long hair should wear it tied up off their shoulders in a ponytail or braid and only school-coloured ribbons/bows are to be worn in the hair.  Both nail polish and make up are also not permitted at school.

School Uniform

The official changeover to the Summer school uniform is Term 4. However, with the weather now warming up, students may wear either the Winter or Summer uniform from tomorrow. Parents are advised to use their discretion depending on the weather. Please remember that we do not mix the winter and summer uniforms. Therefore, depending on your choice, the students are to be dressed in either Full Winter Uniform or Full Summer Uniform. 


School Summer Uniform: Girls are to wear their summer dress and boys should be in grey shorts and blue short sleeve shirt. All students will need to wear short navy socks and black school shoes. Please ensure that your child has their hat clearly marked with their name. 


Thank you for your support in maintaining our high standards in regards to uniform as we transition to the warmer weather.  

Transition - Kindergarten 2025

The dates for this year's Transition are:


Term 3

Tuesday 10 September - 9am - 11am 

Tuesday 24 September - 9am - 11am 


Term 4 

Tuesday 15 October - 9am - 2:30pm 

Tuesday 22 October - 9am - 2:30pm 

Tuesday 29 October - 9am - 2:30pm 


If your child has an appointment and will be arriving at school late please do not enter this on Compass. Children will need to be signed in at school on the kiosk located in the school reception area. Only enter absent notes if your child will be absent for the day or longer. 

Meeting With Teachers

Mornings and afternoons are very busy times for teachers as they are preparing for the day ahead and planning with their co-teachers, which unfortunately means that they are often unable to make time for a meeting without notice.  For that reason, if you need to discuss anything with your child's teacher, please contact the school office to schedule an appointment. This will ensure you have the full attention of the teachers and the time necessary. Alternatively, an email can be sent to and will be forwarded onto the class teacher.

Afternoon Pick-Up

If you pick your child up from school in the afternoons via the back gate, please do so in a timely manner to allow for efficient use of the parking areas in Crown St during this busy time. A reminder that school finishes at 2:50pm with Esteem Kids after school care available for those children unable to be collected at 2:50pm. Please contact William Wong, or 0410 841 628 for further information.

Supervision of Students

A reminder that school commences at 8:45am and concludes at 2:50pm


Please note that supervision of students commences at 8:15am and families are kindly asked not to drop off children before this time. 



Change in Routine

Can you please advise the school office before 2:30pm if there is any change in your child's afternoon routine. 

2024 Canberra Excursion

Our Stage 3 students and staff will be travelling to Canberra for their excursion on Monday 11th November to Friday 15th November 2024. 


Parents should have received a Compass Event notification which will include excursion details, consent and payment options.


If your child has any dietary requirements that the school is unaware of could you please advise.


The initial deposit of $100 was due Friday 3rd May 2024 with the remaining money to be paid in full by Friday 18th October. A suggested payment plan is included in the Compass event.


A huge thank you to our wonderful P&F Association for their generous donation towards the Stage 3 Excursion, which has resulted in a $50 discount to all families. Also, the school has been able to subsidise families by contributing a monetary amount per child to assist in reducing the cost of the excursion. 


Please contact the office if you have any questions or are experiencing any difficulties. 

2024 School Fees

Term 3 fees are due by 26th September. Please contact Jodie via email or by phoning 6765 4079 if you have any questions regarding your fees. Payments can be made via BPay - details are available on your statement, Eftpos or cash to the school.


Any family/carer requiring assistance with school fees is encouraged to make an appointment and come and meet with us as soon as possible. 


Thank you for your continued support of St Joseph's.

2024 Pupil Free Days

Please note the following Pupil Free Days in your diary:

  • Friday 27th September 
  • Monday 14th October
  • Friday 20th December