We’ve reached the middle of another term, where has it gone?! The last two weeks have again been jam packed with learning experiences and interesting activities in the School of Wonder. 


Two major events being the Athletics Carnival, and Book Week Dress Up Day. The School of Wonder children continue to demonstrate the college values:


Respecting everyone and everything:

  • Cheering for their peers at the sports
  • Reflecting and respecting others points of view
  • Using manners
  • Kindly inviting our family members to join us at the aths, or help us organise our costumes

Always do our best:

  • Having a go at all of the athletic events
  • Making choices that help our learning
  • Look after our clothing, and special dress up costumes 

Help others succeed:

  • Looking after our equipment
  • Looking and listening
  • Walking the Book Week parade sensibly

Thursday next week (August 29) is PJ day and some classes have their make up tree planting session which was postponed earlier in the year. Children may choose to wear their PJs for their planting session (approximately 90mins), or if they wish to, they can bring their school uniform to change into for the planting. Others may wish to wear their uniform instead of PJs on that day. Whichever is most comfortable. The weather has been fairly dry, however if you wish to pack a spare pair of shoes in case of mud, please do.


Don’t forget to follow St Anne’s College on Facebook or Instagram to see many of the photos from all of our college events. Our communications team are very impressive at sharing the moment.


-Emma & Kara, School Leaders

SOW Assembly

Week 6 kicked off with a School of Wonder (SOW) assembly which was led by the Foundation students in Glenice and Kasi’s class. School Leader Kara spoke about all the different ways she has seen the SOW children displaying the learner asset ‘communication’ which she said she had seen fabulous examples of.


Congratulations to students Alyssa and Hamish who received a certificate for their participation in the Furphy Literary Awards where they both submitted a story. The pair were congratulated by the school leaders for getting out of their comfort zone and being brave enough to enter the competition.


Students from Foundation, Year 1/2 and Year 3/4 shared their recent learning which included a slideshow of photos from the recently held ‘100 Days of Foundation’ event. The room filled with joyful laughter as the students relived the awesome memories.

Finally, the students were congratulated on their efforts at last week’s Athletics Day. School Leader Emma said she was “so proud” of the children’s willingness to jump in and give it a go which is something that is very important in the SOW.


Writing: Foundation students have continued exploring fairy tales and sentence structure in writing. Students read the story of Little Red Riding Hood then created their own fairytale, first creating a plan for their story focusing on beginning, middle and end, then writing the story.

Book Week:

On Wednesday the Foundation and 1/2 students came together to explore some of the shortlisted books picked this year for book week. The students collaborated and communicated whilst engaging in some fun activities based on each of the books.


Please see the Shepparton Adviser's coverage of our Foundation 100 Days of School here.

Year 1/2

The enthusiastic Eco Warriors have been actively helping to keep our yard tidy and clean. This dedicated group of children have been diligently monitoring the amount of litter collected each day. We look forward to hearing updates from the team at our upcoming assembly! 

Year 3/4

Book Week Celebration:

This week, our school was alive with the magic of stories and the joy of reading as we celebrated Book Week! From the vibrant costumes to the exciting activities, it was wonderful to see our student’s enthusiasm for their favourite characters and books. A big thank you to our parents/carers for organising and preparing outfits and making this event so special. The creativity and passion displayed by our students remind us all of the power of books to inspire and educate. Such a great day experienced by all!

Arriving at school

Please support our staff, and remember that drop off for children is from 8:30am. This is when staff are on duty. Prior to this any staff onsite are preparing for the day ahead, duty of care requirements mean children onsite require supervision and doing this takes staff away from their important preparation time.


Kara McCann & Emma O’Keeffe - School of Wonder Leaders

We are committed & dedicated educators


Teaching and Learning:

Our aim as Educators is always to improve student learning outcomes for all our learners. We continue to strive to improve our professional practice to ensure that our learners get the very best learning opportunities and outcomes. Our SOW team works collaboratively to provide thought provoking learning experiences to our learners. Our learner assets (collaboration, communication, self-management, thinking and researching) are life long skills that set our young people up to life long learners and to continually question, explore and challenge their thinking. Please direct any teaching and learning inquiries to Kara McCann



Wellbeing is a holistic term that encompasses all aspects of a student's life, including their physical, social, mental and emotional state. It is often defined as a sustainable state of positive mood and attitude, resilience, and satisfaction with self, relationships and experiences at school.

Wellbeing at St Anne’s is driven by the themes of doing our best, allowing everyone to succeed. Please direct any wellbeing inquiries to Emma O'Keeffe