Catholic Identity

Religious Education Leader: Elizabeth Holligan



August 25 Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

In this week’s readings, choices made by followers of Christ are discussed. Some followers do not like the conditions or words in Christ’s teachings. They feel differently than Jesus. Hearing the reward would be in everlasting life, and not riches on earth, some teachings were difficult to accept, so they chose to leave. 

The spiritual truth of Christ’s teaching are not of worldly riches and grandeur, but of love for each other, respecting the dignity of all people on earth, caring for creation and seeing and encountering God in our everyday lives. 

Living as Christ asks us is not always an easy road. It takes courage, fidelity and strength. For this we are promised the greatest reward. 

‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.’ 


General Notices

Friday August 23 (Foundation to Year 11 Pupil Free Day) 

Staff Professional Learning Day

Today St Anne’s College learning mentors and learning support officers undertook professional learning in ‘The Role of the Catholic Educator’, ‘Finding God in everything’ and planning for implementation of ecological stewardship, Laudato Si and Sustainability across St Anne’s College. The sessions were led by Maria Ford from Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd. St Anne’s College is a Catholic School and at the heart of every Catholic school is the Jesus story. At St Anne’s College this is lived out each day in our relationships, our treatment of each other and the world around us, through our class lessons across all curriculum areas, social justice program, ecological stewardship, and our religious education program. We are grateful for the support from our families and community as our staff undertake vital updates in these areas.


Sacramental Program Information Night: Reconciliation – Confirmation – First Eucharist

St Mel’s Parish Sacramental Program Information Night is on Thursday 29 August at 7pm in the parish house gathering room (behind the Church off the Hamilton Street carpark). 

Parents wishing for their child or children to journey through the program and receive the Sacraments of Initiation are encouraged to attend as expectations, dates and costs will be explained, any queries discussed and enrolment packs distributed. This program is suitable for children in Years 3 and above.